Monday 31 July 2023

Taking us to the Bottom of the Pit Latrine!!!

Paula Llewelyn 

It is now clear to me that even if there are solid points being made by those who do not want the DPP Paula Llewellyn KC, to continue in that office, there is a powerful group who have their own sinister agenda. I hate to have to post the video below which was sent to me, but we need to watch it. I have been warning the country that we are fast reaching the state where our Governor General, political leaders, members of the judiciary, members of professional groups, and others will be ex-convicts. We have now reached that point.

Some persons in this country want to take us to the bottom of the pit latrine. I would like to know who is the guest in this video below. It seems to me that evil is fighting hard to overcome good in Jamaica. I am not even sure how much longer even I will last!

The disgusting video:



  1. OMG I cant stand her but to stoop so

  2. Omg wow I may not agree with her but that's going too far to get rid of her😃

  3. I must say Ms Llewellyn should do the honourable thing and give them back them DPP and move on.This is someone I have grown to appreciate and it hurts to see all kinds of puss ,teef and dawg disrespecting her.Paula gi Dem back Dem DPP cause yuh naah dead Fi hungry and if mi have a spoon a rice and two dumpling mi will share it wid yuh.
    You as DPP in the circumstances gave a stellar performance as DPP.
    Cases lost some want to blame her but understand this if the raw material the DPP gets is not of good universally accepted quality on which a judgement will stand up all the way to the Privy Council the Judges will not buy it.
    Convictions is not only the DPP but is a holistic packaging of the police,forensics,investigators and the supreme laws governing such cases. Alleged Criminals walk sometimes no one should point fingers at the DPP they try their best with the cases they present but unfortunately many get irretrievably dumped in a Pit Latrines.

  4. Disgraceful! Whether you like the DPP or not it is clear there is a sinister plot to remove her. This smell renk of dirty politics & high handed evil. No one can dispute the DPP's performance has been exceptional! Look, this red herring about the Constitution (a matter that has been thoroughly rinsed and proven this is not a breach) can't fly anymore. The more they try to push her out the more they are exposing themselves. Just "follow the crumbs" as they say. Who would benefit from her bring pushed out? The answer is obvious - only those of criminal minds - no matter how impeccable or shabbily they are clothed or there status in society or their geography in terms of residence.
    The venom being spewed is only from people who must have gotten a verdict they didn't like and they are using this to try to cast a smear over the real issue.
    God help us!
    Long live DPP Paula Llewellyn - a fierce, fair, fearless prosecutor!
    God Bless you Madam DPP.
    Please stay the course.
    Only the good and fearless people can restore Jamaica and redeem her from the bad and fearless people of Jamaica.

  5. The song is over one year old and has nothing to do with the current situation. Even so, many people name Paula.

  6. Wouldn't dignify this gutter behavior with a comment. Our beloved island home is in a DARK place.

  7. Not a good comment but I don’t know the person who say those nasty things.

  8. Whomever has said these things, on this tape, should immediately remove himself from whatever positions he holds. He's not fit represent people in a Jamaica that we yearn to have.
    This is an unclean and unsound mind. May God help Jamaica

  9. Paula, do not stoop to their level. You are the best DPP I have ever seen. When you are a female, the fight is worst. Be careful that they do not kill you like Rev. Moore. When they go low, you fly high like the eagle you are. Silence is golden. PJ patterson remained silent so no one could quote him; but he spoke at the appropriate time. When Michael Manley pass the baton to PJ, Bruce said they gave a boy to do a man's job but PJ never responded until 14 years later after he proved him wrong. Pj said "Here is the boy today" and passed the baton to Portia. He spoke at the right time. No matter what, do not respond to them. We love you, our Swan sister!


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