Tuesday 18 July 2023

USA Embassy Puts out Information Regarding Accreditation of Diplomatic Persons

The following information was sent out by the United States Embassy in Kingston which seems to be in response to media reports that same-sex US diplomatic couples were not accredited to serve in Jamaica:


  1. Given that most of jamaica"s pokitical and ruling elites (at least they claim to be and believe they are some kind of local elites); are involved in criminal activities how wise is it to monkey wirh diplomatic privileges sinply to make a silly pint to unintelligent mammals so unthinking that they believe in a white man floating around in the sky having guveb them a book of contradictory rules? Is it bot custonary to honor diplomatic customs of other coubtries? How does seating a diplomat from another country indicate agreement witg tge customs and practices of the sendibg country? Your argument yesterday about najority rule is fubdanentally ubdemicratic. Just ask the Saturday worsgippers if you cabt see the dangerous flaws in your argument.

    1. Bredrin, firstly reread before posting!
      Now, do you think the USA would make such a request to Saudi Arabia and try to bully them into accepting such behaviour that is contrary to their laws?

  2. The united states must know that as a country we have our LAWS that must be respected.


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