Monday 7 August 2023

Home Sweet Home - By Octavia Smith

Octavia Smith

The real value is not the estate but the lives formed, shaped, and groomed.

The Kitchen

It was the green room or the laboratory for making meals from scratch.  Our supply chain was daddy's farm; the kitchen garden; bartered exchange of what we never grew. It was Mama's regular chore to prepare the meals but she taught us along the way.  She steamed fish in a double boiler container; made delicious egg custards; guava jam; homemade butter; grapefruit sorbet and many more delectables.

Christmas baking was a family event that lasted a whole day and into the night.  Stomachs were generously fed and so were our spirits.  A brew; a stew or just something new was always happening in the kitchen.  mama's loving hands made everything taste good. It wasn't just a room; it was a skills centre.


It was a special place where my body and mind were fed. I had a seat at the table.  In fact, it was like the family altar.  The setting of the table was taught outside of eating time.  It was important to know where to place the cutlery and how to use them properly.  Hot meals were served every day and on at least three occasions the family or most of the family dined.  Prayer was said before meals; we conversed over meals and one had to be excused before leaving the table especially if everybody else was still eating. At night it was the homework center and Mama was the teacher on duty.

Sitting/Living Room

That was a common free space.  We sat; gazed; talked; listened; read; had song sessions; rocked to the beat of the sound systems next door. It housed a centre table; a corner table; an old bookshelf; a sewing machine and a 3-piece settee (sofa/couch).

It was our entertainment spot for family and guests.  No one dominated; anything loud and noisy would be done outside.  It was an unwritten rule to be unselfish.


Here slept the King and Queen and the newest addition to the family.  It carried a bigger, and a nicer bed; wardrobe, bureau stool;  brown wooden floors; a wooden medicine chest with a glass door complete with lock and key. Doorways accessed the girl's room, sitting room, and a little room that housed a baby's crib and a guest washstand complete with sanitization accessories.  The famous front room facilitated prayer times before bed and Bible reading sessions.  We were taught to pray individually.  Saying "goodnight" to our parents was a must.  It was a forbidden bed for everyone else. Respect for boundaries and space was encouraged.


A multipurpose space can be many things to many people.

It was the official bar; a restaurant; a postal agency; an equipment room for church or political meetings. That room  ( office) served the community.  Many lessons were learned and were met with many changes.  Always changing to better respond to the needs of family and community.    

As a bar, it was never a child's domain. The conversations, and activities were not lost on me - it was another kind of school.

As a restaurant, it was a genius move to meet the family's financial demands.  Short-lived but the patrons (school teachers)  enjoyed it.

As a postal Agency, mama answered the call to volunteer time and space to a community need.   She became more involved in community life and did her best til retirement. As an equipment room, we got to meet church leaders and politicians without discrimination.

A room dedicated to serving the public added to the "fulsomeness" of life.

Written by Octavia Smith

Editor's Note:

Octavia Smith goes down memory lane about the place called home - the place where she grew up. It would be interesting to hear what growing up is like these days for the young generation. Please add your comments.

Part II to follow.



  1. Fantastic work from an extraordinary word-Smith 👏🏼

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. This brings back memories Octavia

  3. Wow Octavia you just took me back home to Lime Tree with you. Fantastic

    1. That's the idea and also to share with our next generation

  4. Truly Nostalgic- masterfully so!

  5. An excellent piece Octavia and I feel very proud, considering that I taught you at Lowe River.

    1. Remind me! I had a great start there. Thanks


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