Tuesday 1 August 2023

Hotel Worker and Visitor Clash?

The video below was sent to me without any information. It seems like a guest at a hotel got into a fight with a staff member. I am unable to say where this happened. Send me a WhatsApp message at 876 816-5261, if you have information about this matter.



  1. Fada God. Talk truth....some of these visitors come here with their entitled selves. Me sorry but me would a send up some luck under..... ( From Foundation Fren)

  2. Because they come with them two dollars some of them want you to kiss them ass this is Jamaica we don't bow to foolishness a hope they don't take this man job from him because these are not the days you stand and let people abuse

  3. Again the dunce comments. The worker carries a professional responsibility the visitor does not carry. The owners have a duty the visitor does not have. Worst, from that clip it shows the worker going after the visitor.

    1. The visitor first threw water in the Hotel Supervisor's

    2. The visitor first threw liquid in the Hotel Supervisor's face

  4. The social relations and attitudes of the plantation are replicated on the hotel tourist plantation.
    Worker/slaves are seen and not heard.
    Did you celebrate Emancipation from what to what.
    In 1838 there were 350,000 squatters in Jamaica today a third of the population is squatting.
    98% of the population is black people who own a measley 5% of the Jamaican economy.
    Are we really emancipated or Independent.
    Think on those things with a view to make a correction.


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