Saturday 19 August 2023

Police Wins Another Fight in Old Harbour

Scene in Old Harbour after shooting.

The police won a battle with an alleged gunman this afternoon in Old Harbour. According to reports, the gunman is still alive. This means that taxpayers now will have a large medical bill to pay. The challenge is though, Jamaica has become a factory for criminals. When one is out another two are born.

Click HERE to view the report.

Remember to send your reports by WhatsApp at 876 816-5261.



  1. Why the police never kill him me vex

  2. Do you forget the "Prishotel Bills" that the hapless taxpayers have to foot , approximately
    Ja$1.5million each per year building wealth for some fortunate concessionaires.
    Remember lawyers also part of the thriving Crime Industry estimated to be at least 10% of GDP.
    The ligitimate and illigitimate sectors taken together.
    You know something we may all be criminals,check yourselves.
    A Crime is any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment.
    Don't tell me you are exempt because all you do is drive above 50mph or 80kmh on a road in Jamaica and that you were never ticketed/caught.
    Crime will go down when we all begin to police ourselves friends, associates and families.
    If you run the basic test against the definition of crime I bet you answer is.
    We are all or mostly criminals so that is why the crime industry grows and growls at us as we bawl for our lost property,dead family ,friends and make new laws to appease the populace.

  3. Guilty murderers should be executed can you imagine the burden 45 years ×$1.5 million ×number of guilty murderers=$billions .That is state orchestrated wasteful idiotic madness.
    Fighting Crime, Really???

    1. Agreed 200%. Drastic punishment to drastically crimes. Just ensure to execute the right person and then the guilty is still out there.

  4. Wow really๐Ÿ‘น

  5. Am really sorry ๐Ÿ˜” but I must ask the Prime Minister and the leaders of our beloved country? Why does everytime a person killed someone and even when they have tried the person and the person is found guilty. The first thing the person's does is get a lawyer,๐Ÿ˜” honestly; it no look good as Nation. You have put in new traffic law's and tougher gun penalties and the gun youth them still a run round with guns to kill whomever they thing is a threat to them. Mark my word! If you do stem the blood letting in Jamaica. You just might have to go and check out what El Salvador is doing. I over heard a top journalist is saying, we do not need to go down that road like what El Salvador is doing. Para... Only the poor and needy mostly a feel the pangs of hopelessly . While most of them in the top a fight for Power, while the people need justice. We need action not Reaction this is causing to much attraction.


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