Friday 4 August 2023

The Journey Has Just Begun - Part II

Andrews Memorial Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica

Part I

A few days ago, I seemed very healthy, but apparently, the lifestyle that I was living was slowly gnawing away at my health. 

If we hear a funny sound while driving our cars, we will run to the garage immediately to have it checked out. If we are not feeling well, we will just say I am not feeling well - I will lie down. We believe that going to the doctor can be postponed for another day. It nearly cost me my life!

My story continues - This is the holiday season - Christmas Day was fast approaching, New Year was just around the corner, and I was in the hospital rather than with my relatives in Trelawny. It has now dawned on me that my life has changed.

The doctor was on call, and the nurses kept their eyes on me, and it all seemed like a touch and go. My brain was in turmoil, and I realized that a day would pass, and I could not even remember what happened.

My parents have always advised me that if I spit up in the sky, it will fall in my face. They also told me to do good, and good will follow me. At this time, none of my close relatives knew that I was in the hospital. Earlier, I tried sending a WhatsApp message, but I sent out an incoherent message to some people.

Some people interpreted the message correctly and realized that I was in trouble. Friends found me, and help was on its way. One took my clothes home and washed them. Another man and his wife came and decided they were in charge. I tried to tell them that I was alright. The wife promptly said I was sick and could not make any decisions. I realized that it made no sense to argue. In the twinkling of an eye, I had clean clothes with enough toiletries and clothes to last a week.

The consultant had received the test results, and the diagnosis was ready. I am diabetic! He informed me that my sugar level had rocketed through the roof. 

It was another day in the hospital. There was the consultant with that calm, reassuring, and concerned look at the foot of my bed. who said, "Your pancreas has stopped working!" He also said that he would have to give it a push start.

I just felt the consultant wanted to put a smile on my face. I am an old car - push start can not get any part of me going!

I now have type 2 diabetes, along with being hypertensive for many years. I am in the hospital, and my next port of call would be the morgue or my home. 

It is now known that I am seriously ill because I am now off-air, and questions are being asked. My relatives and friends are getting concerned. I had no choice but to laugh it off. Should I fight or see what heaven or hell is like?

I decided to fight, but fighting alone could not help. The support from people, the prayers, and the care from the medical staff did it. Just in case I forget - God bless the credit card!

Previously the blood sugar meter could not give a reading because my sugar levels were extremely high. A few days passed, and the sugar levels were displayed on the sugar meter.

The journey has just begun - walk with me, especially if you are a diabetic or suspect that you will develop the disease.

Note: I have started to write this story as a tribute to the medical persons, my friends, and relatives who provided support at a time when it was needed. Others were not there for me who I expected to be there, but I prefer to highlight the good that is done and not the bad.



  1. Glad you pull through Sir Derby God be with you.

  2. Thanks be to God u have made it through and more trials will come but God never give up on us

  3. Life. God bless and keep you Vernon.

  4. That annoying disease, we have to to be cognizant of this silent killer. Thanks for sharing your story.

  5. Mr Derby we rush to the mechanic as we hear a sound in our vehicles because you can bet your bottom dollar it's gonna get fixed. We don't do that when it comes on to how we are feeling because most of the times there's no quick fix for any medical issues an we linger out of fear of what we might hear, sometimes the poor doctors themselves are clueless and the journey continues as you say. But God is good all the times and it wasn't your time to see heave nor hell😂 just try and do the right thing we all fall off sometimes but you have to want to get back up, both illness can be controlled as long as you can afford to be disciplined

  6. So glad to hear you caught the dreaded disease in time, Vernon, and that you're responding to the treatment. You're in my prayers. Take care.

  7. You bark a serious truth. This fir all of us we put off goingvto the doctor when we say 'not feeling well' thing to do is always to get a second opinion, so start with you doctor. I am happy to know you are getting better, Vernon, and I wish you all the best during your period of recovery.

  8. Happy you are still here with us. God is good. Your story will help others. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Sir . Vernon, am still waiting to see your book's on the shelves in Jamaica. Titled: The Amazing Journey Of Sir . Vernon.

  10. I am so happy to know that you have defied the odds. Blessings.

  11. Great article Vernon. ❤️ thx for sharing. I am happy that you are doing well and hope that others will be inspired by this and get screened and try to live a healthy lifestyle

  12. Sir Vernon. Only you can take proper care of yourself. It is your responsibility. Thank you for what you do.

  13. This is C Althea Edwards Reid.


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