Sunday 3 September 2023

Big Up Di Young Man Who Knows How To Treat Visually Impaired Woman

It is the beginning of September, Saturday, September 2, in Kingston, Jamaica. It's a busy afternoon as shoppers hustle to make their last-minute shopping before the stores close. The sun was shining with a vengeance, and I felt that with a few more minutes to go, red Vernon would be redder and I would look like fried bacon. The heat was unbearable in Tropical Plaza this afternoon, and I was about to get some cool water to cool things down when I was suddenly distracted.

This elderly woman was being escorted by this young man who appeared to be her son. I took a second glance, and I realized she had that stick in hand, the one that blind persons use. There was no need for it, because the young gentleman was busy helping her and assisting her to get into the car.

A visually impaired woman. and I felt it for her. She was in a great mood and was having fun with the young man. I had to intervene when I saw this act of love. I said to the young man, "Is that your mother?"

H replied, "No. I do not know her - I am just assisting her."

I decided to have a chat with both of them. The elderly lady who was visually impaired had us all in stitches. She told me how blessed she was to have this young man helping her. 

It was a hot and miserable day, and I forgot I was heading for some cool water. This scene melted my heart, and I saw what love and respect for the elderly can do. All is not lost. I took some pictures of the elderly lady and the young gentleman. I am aware that this act of kindness will not make the news, but the least I can do is post it on my blog. Place, share this blog, and let Jamaica know that there are good people around.

See the interview below with that kind, loving young Jamaican man. His parents must have brought him up well.

Let's share the good things about Jamaica and encourage others to follow. Please share this blog!

Click to listen - SpotOn With Vernon Derby on Omega Radio.

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  4. Click to listen to Omega Radio which broadcasts at 89.1 and 89.3 FM.
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  • A Bark Di Trute Supporter is looking for a one-bedroom apartment to rent. 
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter has eggs for sale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter is looking for a house or an apartment in Eden Gardens Vineyard Town, Liguanea, off Old Hope Road, Hope Road, near New Kingston or near these areas.  If none is available the person will go further like Barbican or Havendale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter needs a job to work as a technical operator in a radio station or any other place where he can utilize his knowledge working with computers.



  1. Blessings on this young man, as we thank him for setting a good example

  2. Wonderful act of kindness , the act of a human being

  3. Not surprised. Notice his pants is up to his waist 👍🏿...

  4. God bless u young man spread the love .

  5. Great we need people like those good job😁

  6. Wonderful! There is Hope! Thank you for sharing this act of Love and Respect.

    Could we establish a National Day of 'Love, Kindness & Respect'? What do you think?

    God Bless You and God Bless Jamaica.

    1. We have to keep encouraging the love everyday. There is a lot of hate and misinformation being shared on the Internet. You can help to change this by sharing this story with hundreds.

  7. So good the Lord bless him

  8. This is so nice of you young man we need more caring people like you

  9. Ahhh!🤗so nice bless up young man


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