Saturday 16 September 2023

No End to the Nastiness

The pictures keep coming in of the nastiness all over Kingston. It is time that those who create the nastiness, not only pay for it but are made to clean it up.

On Molynes Road  close to Halfway Tree



  1. Good morning sir Darby. I just hope if they flood out they don't blame any one cause we are in the rainy season

  2. [Well mi breddren, if we do not teach our people to be citizens then we should not expect them to exhibit the behaviour of good citizens.

    Societies that construct deliberate social arrangements that set standards and expectations for the citizens are more likely to see good behaviour as the norm. Nastiness would then be seen by all to be deviant behaviour and would not be tolerated by the masses. I believe some deviants would self-correct based on the significant pushback to be experienced from family, and friends. neighbour and so on....
    How many persons know of the Constitution? Of those, even less understand it and their rights as citizens.

    We have to be intentional and consistent for several years to change these behaviours. For example, "two is better than too many worked" was associated with relevant messages. It worked!


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