Tuesday 26 September 2023

Past Students Helping Brandon Hill Primary School.

Message from a listener:

Good afternoon, Mr. Derby. Please let me know if you are able to reach out to the minister of education for us.

On 2 concerning matters.

1 we have a group of past students from the Brandon Hill Primary School Northern Clarendon. We have been waiting for over a year on the ministry to address the Termite problems that exist at said school.

After which time we plan to assist with painting the school. The building manager among others have made promises but not able to get any action.

2 we are able to support the school, by sending our support to the NET National Education Trust.

I recently sent 7 refurbished computers to our infant school through the NET. however, the school had to pay almost $50,000 in fees to collect the computers. Not to mention the cost on our end to get said to Jamaica.

What kind of incentives are we supposed to derive from these kind of treatment?


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