Wednesday 6 September 2023

SpotOn is on Air - Join Vernon Derby

Vernon Derby

SpotOn is on Omega Radio from 1 pm to 4 pm. I will be on from 1300 to 1600 hours EST. Be a part of the show. Call the show at 876 613-9129. The show needs your support to support the people.

It's Just a Click

  1. Click to hear the radio advertisement promoting SpotOn, and share it with your friends.
  2. Click to join my group of supporters.
  3. Click to register your birthday, and I will mention it on air.
  4. Click to listen to Omega Radio which broadcasts at 89.1 and 89.3 FM.
  5. Click to report a problem.


  • A Bark Di Trute Supporter is looking for a one-bedroom apartment to rent. 
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter has eggs for sale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter is looking for a house or an apartment in Eden Gardens Vineyard Town, Liguanea, off Old Hope Road, Hope Road, near New Kingston or near these areas.  If none is available the person will go further like Barbican or Havendale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter needs a job to work as a technical operator in a radio station or any other place where he can utilize his knowledge working with computers.

Please share this blog now?


  1. I heard u today and I share with all my WhatsApp friends ..The radio station.keep up the good work.


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