Thursday 21 September 2023

SpotOn With Vernon Derby - Thursday, September 21, 2023

The informative and exciting show SpotOn With Vernon Derby is on Thursday, September 21, 2023. The host is willing to stand up for those who do not have a voice and those who have a voice. 

Listen to Omega/KLAS Radio at 89.1 FM or 90.3 FM. Click on the Omega link on the right of this blog. SpotOn From Monday to Friday, 1300 hours to 1600 hours EST.

I will be speaking with DSP Winston Milton and he will be updating us on the crime situation in South Trelawny. He will also be sharing valuable information with the citizens of Trelawny and the rest of the island.

Opal Lee will join me to talk about US immigration matters and visiting the US.

The President of the NDM will be my guest for My Representative. He will give his analysis of the current political situation.

I will close the show with a representative from the Jamaica Cancer Society who will be talking about The Jamaica Reach to Recovery (JR2R) goal to raise $10 million from the staging of the annual charity 5K race, Pink Run.  The Run, which is scheduled for Sunday, October 29, 2023, has been a calendar event for the past 15 years, with all proceeds going to the JR2R- the breast cancer arm of the Jamaica Cancer Society.

Peter Townsend

Opal Lee

DSP Winston Milton


Should The Speaker of the House Resign?



  1. Sir Vernon has been doing a wonderful job! Standing up for those that have no voice and am really happy how the security Authorities have been spot on when taking on the criminal's. Them need to start use the drones to scan the Air wave for any types notorious behavior. However; if they would get serious and start to clamp down on the communities that have the guns. However; it seems like they are so afraid of the humans right or them no have no back bone to cut crime to 0 tolerance.

  2. Vernon, you are doing the people's work. God bless you...from your foundation friend.

  3. Keep up the good work😘


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