Sunday 1 October 2023

SnapShots You Would not Believe


Jamaicans lining up and waiting patiently to get some doughnuts. Some were lining up in their cars and blocking the traffic at Hope Road and Waterloo Road. What a place to put this business place with limited parking place!

Is there anything unusual here?

The vehicle on the left had no licence plate.

Painting the median with traffic whizzing past him. One swing and that could be the end of him. There is nothing to even block off a lane on this busy thoroughfare while this man was painting in Kingston.  I also saw a child assisting him.

This belt was seen in a store in Kingston being sold as a leather belt.

If you are behind this vehicle, and you don't see this piece of dirty cloth, then your end could be nearer than you think. 

I wonder where they got those cables. These cables pose a danger to motorists.

Chicken only comes with backs these days 

JAD1416 for three pieces of bones. These must be for some very rich dogs.

More bones that can feed a little puppy. Very expensive though.


  1. Now I know where NOT to go to buy meat. Dang!

  2. Jamaica 8s as land of make fren

  3. Meat/protein are a special set of amino acids.The general formula is RCH(NH2)COOH, where C is carbon, H is hydrogen, N is nitrogen, O is oxygen, and R is a group, varying in composition and structure, called a side chain.
    These amino acids can be located in plants so one alternative us to get your Amino Acids from plant sources.
    With this knowlege a chemical engineer can manufacture meat in a laboratory type setting.
    I can predict that many countries will soon be growing/manufacturing meat/protein for distribution around the world.
    Could this be one of the B ways to protect the environment.

  4. Would buy meat there,,

  5. There is a better way to carry things in the back of your vehicle. However; most people will know but they do not care until they are caught. Just a thought. Why not do what is right before you have to end up in fright and then you might just have to fight the law of the land 🤔. You might end up getting band. Because you never have any plans.

  6. Jamaica is not a real place. Memba dat.

  7. I believe most Jamaicans are brainwashed because of the things they're satisfied with,the way in which they do somethings, they're lawlessness careless and heartless,and they don't care about themselves nor this country


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