Friday 19 July 2024

Do Not Import Nor Purchase 60-Cycle Electrical Equipment for Use in Jamaica

This 50-cycle stove was bought in Jamaica.

On July 18, I was the Guest Speaker at the  Kiwanis West St. Andrew Club meeting. In the next few weeks, I will post some of the points I made in the speech.

Let me start with our high electricity bills. Over the years many consumers are content in just cussing JPS for their high electricity bills. The following are some of the reasons for our high electricity bills:

  1. Using 60-cycle electrical appliances rather than 50-cycle.
  2. Theft of electricity.
  3. Leakage of electricity
  4. Improper use of the electrical appliances.
  5. Leaving electrical appliances such as TVs plugged in.
  6. Failure to use the JPSCo app to monitor your usage.
  7. High fuel cost.
  8. Taxes on fuel.
  9. Variation in the exchange rate.

Click to listen to the former head of the Bureau of Standards give his view on using 60-cycle electrical equipment in Jamaica.

If we changed all 60-cycle energy-inefficient refrigerators to 50-cycle energy-efficient refrigerators, We could cut our light bill in half and reduce the country's oil bill. If the government works with JPSCo to lower electricity theft, there will be a further massive reduction in monthly electricity bills. Will that ever happen? What do you think? If we remain quiet then it will be business as usual. 

I am offering myself to the government and the JPS to organize this initiative to save our country valuable foreign exchange!


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  1. Would we not save if we move to 100% use of 220 volt instead of 110 volt?

  2. Why is the government allowed 60 cycle appliances and equipment into the country?


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