Friday 2 August 2024

Crime is Good - Jamaicans Love Crime and Crimminals?

A Reader Writes

Crime in Jamaica has morphed into an industry of more than 10% of GDP. It is the most lucrative, 

attractive and fast-growing industry.

The legitimate sector(LS) ie Police/JCF members 13,000, 11 prisons, approximately 144 police officers, stations and maintenance services. This sector employs thousands of people. Inclusive of lawyers 2238, JDF 6000, correctional officers 2000, Ministries, police academy, 40,000 security guards, guns, cars, drones, food supplies, buildings etc.

The legitimate sector(LS) thrives as long as the illegitimate sector(IS) thrives. The IS comprises hitmen, drug and human traffickers, murder music promoters, gun running, illegal imports, illegal transportation, scammers, prostitutes, fraudsters, robbers, illicit politicians and other top business and civil functionaries.

The IS is allowed to thrive and allegedly encouraged to justify LS expenditure by the state.

There is no incentive to significantly reduce crime(any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment) in the country.

As long as it remains functional.

Without the LS and IS of the crime industry, the economy could collapse?.

In a sense, one could say crime is good. For that to change other sectors of the economy must grow rapidly, supported by effective deterrence such as effective policing, prosecutions, incarcerations and executions of guilty murderers, 

It is unacceptable for the crime industry at 10% of GDP to be larger than Agriculture at 8%.

Crime is Good??

mics 🖊 pen




  • A bedroom to rent for a UWI student. The kitchen and bathroom should be available for use.
  • To purchase a second-hand professional used camera.

Send me a WhatsApp message at 876 816-5261 if you are interested. 




I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years. voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.

Send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261 if you want to use a different method to contribute.
I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years now voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.Thanks. 

 Vernon L. Derby

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You left out the three main nurseries....the so call family, the garrison and the education shitsytem

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