Friday 2 August 2024

Guns Bark in Woodgrove in Southern Trelawny, Jamaica

I just got a call from Toronto informing me that guns have been barking in Woodgrove in Southern Trelawny. Another person from Trelawny called to say a curfew is in areas such as Litchfield and Woodgrove. Checks revealed that this is not a state-imposed curfew but a self-imposed curfew by residents in the area.

The residents say it is risky to be out at night, especially with no electricity. It is really amazing how much Jamaica has changed over the years. I used to live in that area and in the early days, few people had flashlights to walk with at night, others used their bottle torch (a bottle filled with kerosene oil with rolled-up newspaper formed into a round shape and partially inserted in the bottle.  You might even have to depend on the light from the fireflies called peene wallies.

I understand that JPSCo workers went to work in the area and some wutless people prevented the JPSCo crew from doing their work. JPSCo will need to arm its crew members. The JPSCo needs to travel with cameras to record those persons who prevent staff members from carrying out their jobs. The state needs harsh penalties to deal with the behaviour of these hoodlums. Why are people preventing JPS from doing their work while others complain that JPSCo is taking too long to re-energize the power lines? Something sounds fishy!!! 

Mr Prime Minister, ebrey pus an dawg a teck charge - Everybody a run tings.


Very few people pay for electricity in that area. I wonder if those are the people demonstrating for electricity.





I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years. voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.

Send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261 if you want to use a different method to contribute.
I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years now voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.Thanks. 

 Vernon L. Derby



  1. What the hell,is Jamaica a Certified Criminals' Paradise now.

    Criminal behaviour has infected every nook and cranny of Jamaica.

  2. The criminal don't want the light

  3. When will it end๐Ÿ‘น

  4. Selfishness, greed, corruption, and political tribalism again at work. People who want to change the situation are prevented from doing so. Why?

  5. For years some of us have been telling the governments of Jamaica that tough laws (Corporal punishment & death penalty) , quickly & strictly enforced are required. They continue to fiddle ...

    1. So true! However; most times it is when things is totally out of whack! Before anything can be done!

  6. Ours was the quietest and most peaceful place, can't believe young people have torn my community to shreds, this is a damn shame. Where are the police, where are the older folks to instill discipline and pass down good morals and values.?

  7. Arming JPS crews is not a good idea. It will endanger their lives. Vaz should ensure the crews are protected instead of just harassing them

    1. It is amazing that people believe that when those who are trained how to use a gun effectively and they can protect themselves from hoodlums they become a dangerous to themselves. The problem is the criminals have Guns and decent people have nothing to protect themselves. There is also the thinking that business Men need Guns to protect their property but other persons don't need to protect their lives. We need a reserve police force armed and this force can deal with criminals in the various communities.

    2. Please tell the government to put in extra security for JPS Crew. To really put up the lines and get Jamaica back up to speed. Some of our people are upset with what is going on. However; we still need Patience. Everyone will soon get light. Hudlooms or violence just will not help.

  8. NWC why is there no water in Seaton Crescent in Savanna-La-Mar. This is going Three weeks now. Last year for almost a year. We had no water for all most a year and seems like they are heading down that road again. Why so much manipulation ๐Ÿ™†?


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