Tuesday 13 August 2024

Jamaicans Love Crime?


Let's begin.  A crime is any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment. Thus we have:

  • Police - 1300
  • JDF - 6000
  • Security Guards - 40,000
  • Lawyers of 2000
  • Prisons -11
  • Correctional Officers 2000

There are also courts, ministries, public servants, judges,, mechanics, doctors medical supplies and facilities, gunsmiths, gun dealers, cars, drones, cameras, food suppliers, transport fleets, clothing and manufacturers.

Prisons have turned out to be both Prishotels and Corporate Headquarters for Criminal Executive Officers (CEOs). It costs the hapless taxpayer approximately US$10,000 per year to keep a prisoner. 

How else do you explain criminal dons/CEOs staying in prisons? 

  • Running their businesses? 
  • Managing murders? 
  • Collecting extortion?
  • Human and drug trafficking? 
  • Becoming wealthier after entering prison?

There is intelligence and enough legislation to execute guilty murderers. We must outlaw murder music and other supportive terrorist activities.

Manage prisons as prisons, not hotels and call centres.

The anti-gang law is a getaway hype strategy for multiple murderers.

All the Governments have been doing is organizing, managing, expanding, and coordinating a rapidly growing multi-billion-dollar Crime Industry.

The legitimate and illegitimate sectors of the crime industry are at least 10% of the GDP. Approximately US$2.7 billion is the estimated value of the crime industry. It is even larger than either agriculture, mining or manufacturing.

Can Jamaica do without a vibrant crime industry? If Jamaica was able to eliminate crime the multiplier effects could be devastating.

Demonstrations with placards reading "WE WANT CRIME" would not be farfetched.

Contributed by:

mics 🖊 pen


Editor's Note:

The points made in this article are frightening! Let's hear what our political leaders, business leaders, academic leaders and others have to say.


American Airlines has postponed the job fair for Saturday, August 17, 2024, scheduled to take place at the Ian Flemming International Airport.



I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years. voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.

Send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261 if you want to use a different method to contribute.
I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years now voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.Thanks. 

Vernon L Derby 



If you have lost a family member, or a friend due to crime or you are tired of the crime, it is time to come together and join a lobby group. Register Now! 
Share this link with as many people as possible.


  1. An EDUCATED society is a forward thinking, economically viable, healthy, manageable society!! We are 62 years old, why have we not achieved the status of an Educated society?
    What are the goals for our society/country? do we have a plan going forward? Can we articulate the goals and indicate how we, the citizens are expected to contribute, I think this will help in encouraging national unity.
    Lord have Mercy on our country.

    1. An educated society is not necessarily all the things you say there are plenty of educated unhealthy, unmanageable and broke educated people, so it's not just a matter of being educated. There are also quite a few healthy, manageable, forward thinking and wealthy 'uneducated' persons in society. It could be that I have said all this but do not understand what you mean by educated.

  2. I will continue to say from you kill somebody and is not self-defense you should hang why stay in prison and plan who should dead from who should live from you guilty hang you must hang get rid of you some of them living as if they are in a hotel not prison

    1. Are you willing to add your name to the official list of those in favour of hanging and sign the accompanying a life for a life document that states - every person found guilty of murder should be hung and if we later find out that the wrong person was hung a name from this list of a life for a life protagonists must be randomly chosen and hung by the neck until dead? If not, shut up!

  3. And the chatting and lambasting goes on.

  4. Gm this is very sad what is going on in my beautiful country.

  5. Only wealthy people can run prisons. Do we know who runs and manages prisons?
    Who benefits from a man going to prison
    In this century and with AI how are people running business from prison? Who gets paid, who signs off ?
    Are we fooling ourselves?


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