Sunday 18 August 2024

New Kingston Resident Responds To Bark Di Trute Article - Blast Elected Officials


In response to the article posted on your platform regarding the deplorable condition of Haining Road, I wish to respond and also point out that this catastrophe is not a result of Beryl or the earthquake but rather the result of sheer incompetence and poor workmanship

This is the slackness and inefficiency that is encouraged by the authorities ( NWA, KSMAC and by extension, the Government)

They do not care or respect the citizens that reside in this community or the users of the road

The citizens themselves have become so complacent and comfortable with mediocrity so much so that they keep quiet and are unable to stand up for their rights

Well, nothing is going to happen unless they make it happen. Sooner rather than later someone is going to have a serious mishap on Haining Road.

In all of this the Developer,  NWC, and the Initial Fixer of the road are just so comfortable as they are not held accountable for this disaster. The Developer has either sold or rented all the units and is far from being concerned about the disaster his development has created. He is only smiling all the way to the bank and not concerned with the pending disaster; a disaster waiting to happen.

Frankly speaking, the Developer should not be looking to the Government to clean up this mess.  He MUST be held accountable and needs to fix Haining Road immediately and at his own expense. He can then take up the matter in Court with the Company he had initially paid to do the job. 

Haining Road needs immediate/urgent attention as the entire road is gone to the dogs. Right below that break away another one is shaping up with a deep pothole and a mild sinking around the manhole.  This is directly in front of Haining Mews.  The entire road is in hill and gully.

The authorities know about this, as well as other concerns of the citizens. Communication have been sent to  Mayor Andrew Swaby and the Member of Parliament, yet all are on dial "mute"

These representatives need to answer to the citizens of the Haining community.  This is unacceptable to say the least.  Both citizens and their elected officials have  gone numb

When will citizens realize that they cannot depend on these elected persons?  When will citizens realize that if they do not unite and stand together nothing will happen?

We have a culture that when in opposition it is easy to talk; however, when elected the same persons become numb and forget what they used to preach.

"Life is like that".  Talk is cheap.

Contributed by:

New Kingston Resident


Video and Pictures of Haining Road in New Kingston





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