Saturday 17 August 2024

NWA Big Junk Yard at Hagley Park Road Says Bark Di Trute Supporter

A supporter of Bark Di Trute sent me the pictures posted below of equipment belonging to the NWA located at a premises on Hagley Park Road.


  • How long have these equipment been in use for?
  • How long have they been out of use at Hagley Park Road?
  • Were they fully depreciated and written off?
  • Why they have not been disposed of?
  • Could the scrap metal industry use this equipment? Taxpayers could benefit from the sale?
  • Could we make better use of this space in the city?

Now on to another NWA matter. Haining Road in New Kingston, Jamaica, was repaired recently. It is a disgrace to see the condition now. Let's get the facts and no sweet talk from Stephen Shaw. Probably he will give his boss Mr Everton Hunter, permission to talk.

The flag in the picture below has been there for several weeks. This is the new Jamaican stop sign on Haining Road in Kingston. is not a political flag. If you fail to stop here, there will be no police to issue a ticket. It could cost you a few hundred thousand dollars for front-end parts. If you damage your back, that cannot be replaced.

The crater at this location did not result from the earthquake on Friday, August 16, 2023. Your vehicle could need a new tyre, a new rim and a new front end if your motor vehicle falls into this crater.

When the traffic is heavy, it is a nightmare to traverse this area.

Now you will understand why I call the NWA the National Wutless Agency. Please add your comments to this blog and let the state know what you think. This post will be sent to the Prime Minister and other national leaders.





Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Be a part of a group to get emergency information first.


  1. Great job, batchmate. There are also some junk for NWA on Maxfield Avenue in front of their HQ. SOME DEVELOPERS LET OUT WATER ON THE ROADS which cause potholes, e.g. Liguanea Drive. Some businesses like Juici Patties in Lane Plaza Liguanea let out waste water on Old Hope Road and cause pot holes too.

  2. This is the slackness and inefficiency that is encourged by the authorities ( NWA & KSMAC

    They do not care or respect neither the citizens that reside in this community or the users of the road

    The citizens themselves have become so complacent and comfortable with medeocrity so much so that they keep quiet and unable to stand up for their rights

    Well nothing is going to happen unless they make it happen as sooner rather than later someone is going to have a serious mishap on Haining Road.

    In all of this the Developer , NWC and the initial fixer of the road is just so comfortable as they are not held accountable for this disaster. The Developer has either sold or rent all the units and is far from being concerned about the disaster his development has created. He is only smiling all the way to the bank and not concerned with the pending disaster.

    Right below that break away another one is shaping up to happen. Right thete in front of Haining Mews. When will the KSMAC and its Msyor act? Its not that they are not aware. The Mayor has gone silent for sure. I wonder why?

  3. They have proven themselves useless time and again. We need to fire them all and make use of the JDF engineers after all we have a sitting army full of men with skills and above all integrity.

  4. Indeed that Haining Road situation is a disaster waiting to happen, in the interim the road way is being undermined with every drop of rain so the area of damage is much wider and deeper than it appears.

    Another concern is the over flow from the concrete mixers that spills on the roadway. It is evident at some intersections, for example, at the intersection of Arthur Wint Dr and Mountain View Ave, there are deposits of the cement and gravel mix. You will notice these deposits on a number of roadways and intersections. I believe the concrete mix companies should be taxed for this damage.

    Thank you Mr. Derby for this platform.

    God Bless Jamaica and her Citizens.


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