Wednesday 11 September 2024

Breaking News - Explosion in New Kingston.

There was an explosion at Burgher King in New Kingston about half an hour ago my On The Ground Reporter, has reported. 

No other details are available at this time.

If you are in the area and you have pictures and information, please WhatsApp it at 876 816-5261. Thanks.


  1. More than likely a gas explosion I am willing to bet.
    Hope no injuries or unalives.

  2. Likely a propane tank exploded.

  3. I hope every one will be ok😁

  4. This is not the first time an explosion has occurred in this general area. A thorough inspection of the LPG line and storage tanks must be effected asap plus measures to ensure proper line maintenance.

  5. We could do without that on a day like today... Memories don't leave! Praying for the injured and those who may be otherwise impacted! 🙏💝🙏

  6. On 9/11... coincidental 🤔

  7. If this is really the second time somebody needs to be held accountable, too much negligence happening all over the island. As long as them making them money, everything all right. Why do we continue to live in the world of unpreparedness? No plan A, B, C? Especially when it comes on to these things.


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