Saturday 28 September 2024

Political Disturbance is Evolving into a Storm and WIll Become A Category 5 Hurricane Soon

Jamaica's National Elections deadline are fast approaching and temperatures are rising. I can feel it because I get information from JLP and PNP supporters. These days I do not get anything from the NDM and the other small parties. Before I start writing let me get this out of the way before the political arrows start coming in my directions. First, I am a civic minded Jamaican and I have voted over the years. I do have my biases especially when it relates to certain ideas which I have been pushing for many years. The following are a few of them:

  • Fixed date for all elections.
  • The independence of Local Government from Central Government.
  • The Prime Minister or President, members of the Senate, and Mayors to be elected by the people.

I have other ideas and some of these ideas are shared by the various political parties. There is one concern that I have about the two major parties is it seems there is the need to associate with some unsavoury characters because these persons are popular. I am also concerned about our political parties who feel it is better to associate with the bottom of the pile and to be like them rather that lifting up those at the bottom of the pile.

There are some hot topics these days and it is a waste of time discussing them because many persons are fixed in what they support and they couldn't care less about the truth.

I have posted this article because I thought the heat had to do with one party versus the next one. Someone sent a video to me which tells me that within the PNP things are hot. It is expected that things will get hot within the JLP also because as I have said before, some political representatives will have to pack their bags and go. That is easier said than done. I did not realize that there were challenges in the PNP until I got the video this afternoon, shown below.

I would love to get a comment from the leadership of the PNP about this video. It cannot be ignored.

All I ask of the Jamaican people, listen to the political discussions and contribute to it but don't be a part of the war. After elections, whichever party wins or loses, those of us who have no colour card will have to remain here and live together. No mek wi mash up Jamaica because Jah Mek Yah! When I need help and support I really don't care which colour you support. I am happy to tell you that this blog gets support from all the political parties.




Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


It's Just a Click:



  1. Mr. Derby, I share your views. However, we have to educate our young people, through civics in the schools, that political tribalism destroys an entire nation. I say, start within the schools because those in the communities pushing violence at the behest of others, as well as those getting jobs and other benefits will not change even when political tribalism bring disgrace, mayhem, and murder on their door steps.

  2. So true 👹

  3. I think there needs to be serious sanctions for individuals who breach the public trust. This should be included in the constitution. Stealing, overspending and ignoring the laws of this country. There can be no progress without accountability. You build a 250 million police station in a swamp and spend millions more to drain the swamp. Yet, you ignored advice not to build the police station in that location. This is just one of hundreds of breaches

    1. What role our public servants have to play in all of this.


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