Tuesday, 28 January 2025


Editor's Note:

I have posted the following press release sent to me by the Advocates Network. Note that contrary to what is stated in the press release, Mr Chuck did not advise his fellow parliamentarians not to comply with the provision in the IC Act. Click HERE to listen to my podcast on the matter.

The Following Press Release Received From The Advocates Network - 20250127:

Kingston, Jamaica, Monday, January 27, 2025. The Advocates Network (AN) joins law-abiding citizens in expressing outrage and alarm at the recent public exhortation by MP Delroy Chuck, during Parliament’s Integrity Commission (IC) Oversight Committee meeting on January 14, 2025. We are befuddled that a Minister of Justice would advise fellow Parliamentarians not to comply with the provision in the IC Act that requires them to provide information about their spouses’ and children’s earnings to the anti-corruption body. This amounts to an advice to 


This is untenable! This not only weakens public trust of Parliamentarians, but undermines the rule of law and core principles of democracy. This cannot be another “9-day wonder”!!! 

We remind the public that each Members of Parliament (MPs) must take the Oath of Allegiance which requires them to “uphold and defend the Constitution and the laws of Jamaica.” Minister Chuck understands this responsibility very well and explicitly stated so in 2000 during deliberations on the bill entitled The Corruption Prevention Act. The Hansard reported that he said: 

“It's very important…that persons who would like to be public servants elected or bureaucrats, that they should be protected and protected in the sense, Madam Speaker, that their privacy in terms of their assets and information should be protected…I found that when I had to declare everything I own, everything my wife and my children own to be an invasion and indeed, I wondered if I had to. But eventually because I am a parliamentarian I said I will follow the law and I followed it”. (our highlight) This stands in stark contrast to his current position. What changed since 2000?  

What objective does it serve and what does it communicate to the public to have our Minister of Justice recommend that the IC explain “Why is the IC asking members to indicate the salaries of their spouse or children?” 

This requirement is not the IC’s idea, rather it is that of our own legislators. MP Chuck has been a member of the 

Lower House for 27 years and would have been complying with the Parliament’s Integrity of Members Act, 1973 and the Integrity Commission Act, 2017 BOTH of which required information on spousal assets and liabilities to be declared.  MP Chuck was also our Minister of Justice with responsibility for the parliament’s legislative work at the time of the crafting, scrutiny and passage of the current legislation in 2017.   

Considering this huge discrepancy in his 2000 statement and that of January 14, 2025, his own understanding that the law requires it and not the IC, and his own compliance with this law for over two decades, the AN strongly urges Minister Chuck to provide a valid explanation for his anomalous advice to other MPs.  

In the absence of a valid explanation, the AN joins the call for him to tender his resignation.


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  1. But is it an entrenched law that they must, or is it a requirement of the IC? Please clarify

  2. Delaware truck did State very early as quoted by The Advocate Network that he questioned that particular part of the law however he believed as an MP he should obey no there was nowhere in the piece by The Advocate Network as I read on that states that do I took no longer questions that part of the law however he continues to obey as an attorney though when asked about it he has to give the response that he gave he cannot tell anyone what to believe you cannot and his advice was simple and true many people do not know many many men especially do not know what their partners are really enough place where our culture question is the man who ask his woman right woman who asked her mother hears so many men do not know what their partner earn and in this modern time there's also many women who don't know what their partner so if you don't know you cannot you cannot say and that's just a simple fact Advocate Network problem is an advocate because it is obvious that Delray truck has not changed his stance he's just not compelling others to do what he does in this Democratic Nation and is also by law giving them advice that is legal would Advocate Network want him to tell them submit willingly what your partner earn what your children earn even though you don't know it is it the advice is clients are those advice to to fight with their partners and their children and compare them to tell them what they are what is the advocate Network advocating for

  3. Yes. He should step down and charges brought against him where applicable. This must be done with immediate effect. What explanation? Save it for the judge.

    1. Can you imagine if we all could be locked up and charged without a case being made, and we are then hauled in front of the court?

  4. Most unprofessional and destructive utterances by Minister Delroy Chuck. Does he believe that he is the law or is above the law? He should tender his resignation!


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