Sunday, 26 January 2025

MEGJC Update on houses being constructed by the NSHP in Central Kingston

Press Release From The MEGJC - 20250126

The Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC) takes note of a publication in the Sunday Gleaner (January 26, 2025) concerning an aspect of the New Social Housing Programme (NSHP) in Central Kingston.

The construction of the two houses highlighted was delayed due to the inability of the Contractor to complete the project according to schedule. The project was not completed despite two requests for extension in the timeline for completion which were granted.

The Ministry is in the process of taking steps to expedite completion of the work as soon as possible to bring intended relief to the persons who the constructions aim to assist. These steps include termination of the contract and re-engagement of the procurement process. The relevant contract was terminated on December 30, 2024, due to non-performance. The tender process is currently being engaged. The Ministry is working towards ensuring that the project is completed by the end of February 2025.

The Ministry is sympathetic to the plight of the people affected and has been exploring steps to bring relief over the short term until the construction process is completed.

It is important to note that the Government of Jamaica relies on contractors approved via the formal procurement process to execute the construction of houses under the NSHP.

There are instances where contractors are unable to complete projects due to security issues, theft of material and labour disputes. The constructions referenced in the Sunday Gleaner article were affected by the above referenced issues.

It is also important to note that the referenced delay cannot be blamed on the NSHP which operates under the auspices of the MEGJC as the Government is duty bound by law to abide by rules concerning engagement of contractors and duration of time before a contract is terminated and a new procurement process engaged. 

The Ministry also wishes to correct the erroneous statement by the Gleaner that the  Municipal Social Assistance Programme is administered by the MEGJC. 

The NSHP has delivered 280 units or 648 rooms, benefitting over 968 individuals, across 57 of the 63 constituencies in Jamaica. Currently, there are 40 active projects being pursued or 80 rooms across 19 constituencies.

Additionally, a total of 75 projects, or 242 units comprising; 419 rooms are expected to commence between the current date and the next financial year.

In the constituency of Central Kingston, to date, 6 housing units have been completed (benefitting 21 individuals) and five (5) units are under construction (this will benefit 20 individuals).

Persons can contact the Ministry for further information.

More Reading

Gleaner article 20250126 


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