Sunday, 23 February 2025

Bark Di Trute Supporter From The West Barks Di Trute About The Roads!

Many of us have complained about how our roads are built and maintained. The same potholes that were fixed a few months ago have to be fixed again. These potholes were not repaired properly. When it rains and the water settles where some potholes have been fixed, you know that the potholes will reappear there. Many call the NWA the National Wutless Agency. The only thing that works there is Stephen Shaw with his smile and his sweet talk. Giving the nation sweet lyrics cannot fix the roads.

Listen to this gentleman who has several complaints, including the condition of the roads in his area.

Click on the icon below twice to listen to the report.

Add your comments to the blog and send your pictures of potholes in your area. Indicate if they were fixed recently. Give the exact location of each pothole.

I wonder if the roads in North East St. Catherine have been fixed?



  1. The reads r very bad hope they will fix them properly👹

  2. Wait, so him think for all the years JLP in government they would have other party people running these agencies? Wake up sir. Is not soh Ja politics run

  3. Why is it our public sector workers cannot be separated from their jobs for non performance without a hefty cost to us??? That's why Shaw and his group can get away with shoddy job.
    This need to be fixed.

  4. Good morning Mr Darby. The caller is speaking the truth about the patching of the roads. I noticed that the workmen patch the larger potholes and ignored the smaller ones. The government should have someone supervising the work.


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