Time for us to get deadly with these criminals. We must craft a law that allows us to try criminals in absentia if they refuse to turn themselves in. These persons would have committed crimes such as murder, rape, aduction, and kidnapping, for example.
We need to have death by lethal injection for murder and those who commit certain crimes, as gang members in pursuit of their criminal activities.
Murderers' assets should be seized by the state, and such assets should be used to meet the expenses of the victims' dependents. If the court gives a life sentence, then the convict should work in prison and pay for the upkeep of the victim's dependents. His assets should also be seized.
Finally, every man, woman, and child must have an ID and be uniquely identified. This would enable society to block fugitives from enjoying any state benefits, being employed, or entering into any contractual arrangements.
It is time decent people fight for their human rights. One such right is the right to safety. These criminals are depriving us of that right so they should be deprived of their rights.
We want both political parties to start discussing this issue now. Put your cards on the table. Pus eena bag cannot work this time. Empty slogans cannot help Jamaica at this stage. We need solutions, and we need actions. Wi tiad a di jargons and di sweet mout.
It would be interesting to hear what you think, so add your comments to this blog. If you don't care, then there is no need to add a comment. Let's see how many people care about the high level of crime in Jamaica.
Yes, Mr. Prime Minister. Good Talk. Now, action! The people must support positive actions.
High time Mr PM. No more nice guy talk. Crime demands a radical approach - new and different so we can have better outcomes. Invest in more technology to fight crime. We don't have to wait on divine intervention, let us help ourselves.
ReplyDeleteYes PM good talk we can't allow criminal to take over Jamaica action now
ReplyDeleteWell said....the profits from crime must make one a pariah.. not a saint hero or a god...
ReplyDeleteThis should have been the state of affairs along time ago. Criminal gangs should be treated as terrorist as they are a danger to the development of this nation. I would go further families and friends of these criminals should be tried as accessory to the fact after the fact of the crimes these criminals commit.
ReplyDeleteI really hope all political parties or movements can find a common ground to this . We as law abiding citizens with government must take a stand now , these criminals must pay just as how their victims fall prey.
I like where you're going but there are some challenges. Trial in absentia is a no no for me, as every man or woman MUST have the chance to defend themselves. No natural justice is equal to lynching.
ReplyDeleteMany of these criminals also have no assets, which makes them very dangerous btw. And unless we're going to bring back whipping or other near-torture actions, they won't work either.
It's a problem
If you fail to report to the police and fail to attend court, then you have given that right away. This happens in cases of libel, for example. If you do not file a defense, and you don't turn up to court, you think the court is going to wait on you? Yu eva hear bout default judgement? Where are the lawyers to help me? Too many of us are sorry for these terrorists who have been wiping out over 1,000 Jamaicans annually for the last 40 years or more. All these people have lost their rights to life. Who cares?