Tuesday 21 April 2015

FI WI CONCERNS - Michael Spence

Dons As Consultants

With so many heinous crimes being committed lately many are calling for the most draconian measures to be meted out. Do we recall the "Gun Court which was painted red because it dread"," "indefinite detention" among draconian measures in the era of 70's 80 the murder rate then was a fraction of what it is now. The evidence is that a mandatory sentences without due process is injustice and knee jerk reaction seems to make matters worse. The ideal approach is to look at the conditions that create the need for guns and ammunition or conflicts and do something about that bolstered by effective policing/investigations and an efficient justice system. The certainty of getting caught is the most effective deterrent to crime, the cleared up rate must improve. You know one top Don recommended that there should be a focus on reducing the supply of ammunition would make guns useless no one has taken on his suggestion seriously. These Dons are Criminal Executive Officers (CEOs),it would be a good idea out of the box to have one or two of them being consultants to the relevant ministers or ministries and stop bury our heads in the sand.20/04/15


These activities by IS militants is getting bolder and more often so none of us are safe any part of the world, they seem to be well organized .financed and brutal. There should be a focus now on cutting off financing combined with a targeted education program to would be sympathizers. Only Iran can make a dent if they would be willing to cooperate with other countries. The stumbling block is that Islamists are not willing to join with non Islamic people to fight Islamic people. This is a tough one as war against Islam does not end and they never die, or commit suicide they are martyrs working in earnest to establish a Caliphate which is getting larger than Iraq and Syria so instead of being ISIS they are now IS. 20/04/15

 Officers Of The Court Wards...?

Lately a number of lawyers are being hauled before the courts because of allegations of impropriety some of them quite prominent.All lawyers should have a client trust account or otherwise some legally transparent method of securing clients' funds. Thieves are thieves are found in all walks of life and potential clientele should do their due diligence also. The General Legal Council does a good job in trying to weed out the profession and as far as I know it is a no nonsense organization that can punish you for doing or not doing something that affects the clients interest. It would be good Mr Derby to get someone from the General Legal Council on your program to shed some light on this dark spot tainting the legal profession. 20/04/15

 Road Traffic Law

As I read through the proposed traffic fines under the Road Traffic Act I made the following observations. Failing to use appropriate hand signal - $2,000. This one needs to be deleted with the lack of electronic signal being an offence.Overtaking in an intersection to be added this is a very dangerous activity I see daily. Overall most of the fines are oppressive, unconscionable and foolish with the authorities not collecting 60% of traffic fines presently. What's the point of increasing fines or do they plan to have only traffic police and then a dedicated traffic prison. Considering that minimum wage is $5600 for a 40hr work week fines should not be increased more than the average inflation rate for 10 years whatever that is. Draconian thinking or methods do not correct ills they make matters worse whether you choose "left or write" one has to apply reasonable pragmatism.21/04/15

 That Youth

The St Mary youth accused of going to join ISIS is still in custody. What an injustice on the child of poor black rural people and we say how we love and care for the poor. Even the deaf and dumb see that this youth needs to go home to the love and care of his family. These are some of the things that push and harden youths to turn to all kinds of groups and gangs for solace and rescue from barbarity and injustice. Time to jus leggo di yute mek him gwaan a him yaad. 21/04/15

 Police Impersonator

Fifty-seven-year-old repeat police impersonator Derrick Thompson, yesterday pleaded guilty to charges of obtaining money by false pretense and impersonating a police officer.What is the protocol regarding the number of policemen who should be working as far as I know it should be at least two one acts as cover or back up in case of anything. Any one police accost me no car, bicycle, bike or another police in sight I immediately get suspicious because most times it is always "left not write" "left or write" is the correct corrupt approach. Now if traffic fines are being increased as proposed God help motorists and if you have 3ounces of ganja instead of 2 you need God's help times two. 21/04/15

 Is Councillor Haughton Alone?

Again they pick on councilor Haughton a weak Hanover link out in rural Jamaica,  why not audit all Parish Councils starting in Kingston let us see how clean they all are because my guess is all of them have the same modus operandi "parson christen him pickney first". There should be a full scale island wide audit of parish councils after which mass suspensions if needed should take place. Did the council get value for money paid to family, if yes why suspension?. Is there a rule that qualified family members of a mayor or any other politician become ineligible for work in their jurisdiction? 21/04/15

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