Wednesday 22 April 2015


Have we lost the KEY?

National Housing Trust

It is so sad that the Housing trust has become a dolly house organization when so many contributors are unable to get a little house while watching this kind of squander mania by the trust. The truth is someone should go to jail this instead of being a nine day wonder.22/04/15

 Don't Take It If You Are Allergic To It

The truth from experience is that some people are allergic to tin foods or sulpha-drugs. Some are allergic to ganja smoke or drink. People must take responsibility if you know it doesn’t agree with you leave it alone. When I used to smoke cigarette I never touch because I had severe reactions, ganja was okay no problem I had friends which it made them go crazy those who do not take heed actually go mad or in medical jargon psychoses became evident. My suggestion to readers is, leave mind altering substances alone, alcohol included but the bottom line is stay away from things that do not agree with you criminalized or decriminalized, legal or illegal. 22/04/15


The middle class have sold out and have very little in intellectually/political integrity left and even in terms of having an impact on the fortunes of politicians. They constitute only 15% of the electorate almost split down the middle for both political parties and many do not bother to vote so the focus has to be in the "love the poor category". Most governments always try to buy out the middle class because they control media and the airwaves, police, public servants so they are needed to sell the relevant ideas to the less learned. No special favours for any group or class is corrupt and counterproductive divide and rule strategy. Do what is good for all Jamaicans not some. Create a prosperous, educated and safe society that all will benefit all with a level playing field instead of embedding class structures with bribery. Andrew should not buy into this kind of politics as recommended by a writer. 22/04/15

 JPS Rates

According to Director of corporate communications at the JPS, Winsome Callum, The post-paid customer charge of $395 each month for residential customers. There is no apparent charge for prepaid but for how long maybe until when most people log on? As a matter of fact prepaid money is like a no interest loan to JPS isn't that brilliant of JPS it’s a win times 2 for them not the customer so if they add a charge it would be a win times three. The post paid customer on the other hand is charged a fee of $395  on the electricity loan by JPS to you so paying early they give you back $250 out of the $395 they get $145.When you are late they get an additional $250 so in all they get $645 ,for JPS it is a win times 4. If you are late post paid every month for a year JPS gets an additional $7740.00 at an interest rate of say 10% at a low interest banking institution that would be the interest on a $85140 loan. These companies come with sweet talk like they are doing something for you they do for themselves every time and charge you extra. We gleefully pay while they take us for a ride. JPS should without delay pay up the over $973 million, which the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) two months ago directed the company to refund to customers for foreign exchange adjustments. All the JPS convoluted “rip off charges” should be analyzed by an auditing actuary and or the OUR and revealed for what they are while putting in the appropriate restraining and refunding orders. 22/04/15

 Rare Earth

Reports in the media indicate that Mr. Paulwell now plans to exhume/revive the rare earth minerals project is understandable. Let us bear in mind however that China controls contains about 30% of the world deposits but controls about 95% of the worlds production, importation or exportation of these very expensive minerals used to make from high end phones, flat screen TVs, hybrid cars, Led lights, camera lens and some weapons. For example one mineral dysprosium oxide, sells for about US $265 per kilogram and prices climbing as resources dwindle. If Jamaica had real deposits of feasible quantities it would be much better than bauxite. China has a global monopoly on the manufacture of such items exported worldwide which is being protested to the World Trade Organization (WTO) by the United States, Japan and The European Union with marginal effect on China’s exploits. China has a real presence in Jamaica so if such a project feasible they would be the first to deal with it moreover the lands around the Ewarton area on which such minerals are alleged may well be now owned by the Chinese as part of the highway deal. If we do the math or read the game we need to ask if exhumation is possible and if possible by whom? 22/04/15

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