Tuesday 26 May 2015

From Listener DT

Quoting Comrade Roper:
”One would have thought that by now the JLP would have got the memo that as long as it continues not only to stand in the way of Jamaica?s progress but, more egregiously, to stop the progress ……..  Now I am forced to conclude that the JLP not only does not learn, it does not think. It is overcome by intellectual rigor mortis”.
As pointed out by Blind-with-eyes-wide-open in his/her online comment in this thread “Over the last 25 years we had only the four missing years of 2007-11. And the rest of that period the country was under thinking PNP administrations”... 
Here is a refresher on the PNP-TOP-TEN benefits to the electorate and the Jamaican people Comrade Roper.  The line items with double asterisks have their own individual “top-20’s”.  Here we go:
#1 - ** FINSAC  : the root of all evil and the reason the Jamaican economy cannot grow
#2 - ** Five-Flights Economics of the 70’s
#3 -     JPS Divestment  : we still suffer the aftershocks
#4 -     CAP Forward Sale of Bauxite  : “run-wid-it”
#5 -     Trafigura  :  
#6 -     Cuban Light Bulb :     
#7 -     Scandals Whitehouse : 
#8- ** Cherry-picking Taxation in Lieu of Sensible Tax Reform :  a real heavy burden
#9-      NHT ($$$ Billions) Raid, Outameni et-al : “we love poor people”
#10     NETSERV :  youthful exuberance
BRAWTA - Divestment of Air Jamaica Landing Slots :  Any time I hear this government utter the words  "negotiate" or "divestment" I tremble in fear for Jamaica.
Can the PNP government negotiate anything besides crippling IMF targets??  Not the divestment of JPS; not the forward sale of bauxite; not the sale of Air Jamaica slots; not the sale of "Scandals Whitehouse".
Persist with this logical fallacy Comrade Roper and the next times around I will treat you to the top-30 and after that to the top-100.  I am sure you will enjoy going down memory lane!!!


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