Tuesday 19 May 2015

Mining In The Cockpit Country???

Montague Calls for Transparency in The Cockpit Country Mining Issue
Senator Robert Montague, Shadow Minister on Mining and Energy, says that he is calling for full disclosure on issues surrounding the cockpit country mining issue.

JLP Shadow Minister Montague is expressing concern with regards to allegations of mining in the protected Cockpit Country Area.
Senator Montague stated “The response of the Government so far is weak and inconclusive. These allegations have revealed that there are major issues in mining to be resolved.”

In release today the Senator says that the issues at hand are:
·         The Cockpit Country is a protected area,
·         It is where 40% of Jamaica’s water comes from,
·         It is home to many protected species of plants and animals.
Government Promise Broken?
He went on to say that the government had given a firm undertaking not to allow mining in the area. He also said that the government must accept the traditional boundaries of the Cockpit Country and take all necessary steps to prevent mining and associated activities.

Senator Montaque says that:
  • He is calling on the government, to make public any agreement, permit or licenses it has with Noranda Jamaica Bauxite Partnership (NJBP), with regards to permission for mining.
  • The Opposition also want NEPA and the Mining and Geology department to have a permanent monitoring presence in this sensitive and protected area.

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