Monday 20 June 2016

FI WI CONCERNS - Michael Spence


American boxer DeMarcus "Chop Chop" Corley who has found himself in our local Contender Series  does not have anyone in Jamaica to beat him, can you imagine a sparring partner of Mayweather fighting our inexperienced boys here. He should be a teacher here and not in our little competition. None of our boys can box him and win they have to surprise him and knock him out in the first round but if he is aware you cannot catch him. Gardener in my opinion is the best fighter in the competition not including Chop Chop. The final fight should have been Chop Chop Vs Gardener both are boxers. Frog vs. Chop Chop could end within 3 rounds if Chop Chop decides to end it early. The good of having Chop Chop is that our good boxers will get more in the limelight it would be good if young Gardener could get in the Mayweather camp he has a lot of world class potential. This Contender final will be easy money for Chop Chop the teacher as the quality of boxing is set to improve. 18/06/16

Sir David Simmons Need To Get Street Smart 

Sir David Simmons who chaired the commission of enquiry into the 2010  incursion of Tivoli Gardens have urged political leaders to commit to ending the allocation of Government's and political parties' resources to dons in order to reduce the influence of these persons..Hold on! The commissioner does not realize that the tables have turned long ago where Dons have become independent of politicians and it is the politicians who need the Dons and not the other way around and the advice should be the other way round. Commissioner you are the best we have had but you need to spend more time on street with us and you really know what's going on. Sir David if a contract to be given and the Dons do not give it its blessings in the area it cannot go on in peace so you have to negotiate with the "Big Man Dem" for it to get done at all or in time. Sir David should ask for information on the refurbishing of the Kingston Public Hospital not so long ago and  will have gotten a lesson of Don influence and management in Jamaica today they are more like Criminal Executive Officers(CEOs) of any corporate organization. It is a chicken and egg situation now you have the eggs they hatch and you get more chickens coming home to roost producing more eggs. A cycle that was started decades ago has now developed into embedded and deeply rooted garrison political DNA economics; can anyone of you suggest a practical way out of this quagmire? 18/06/16

What Type of Entertainment The World Needs?

News paper reports that Jamaican entertainer Alkaline has had the plug pulled on a number of gigs in the United Kingdom. In my opinion Alkaline is not one of the real dangerous youths, to me he is just entertaining. Cultures differ though and "what is joke to you is death to me”. These artistes need to make cultural adjustments to their lyrical content. Europeans and others like loving bouncy happy music not warring sad killer motivating murderous type that is heavily consumed a yard. Check out Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff that's why they are so successful. A theme of love, liberation, freedom, peace and   happiness sells globally. Alkaline and others must study and emulate that. In light of the recent sad tragedy in Orlando Florida we may see more plugs being pulled in the more tolerant United States. In Europe they sometimes call it “murder music” it may soon be tagged “terror music”. This is a call to all singers, artistes and musicians to get their acts sanitized and get their acts universally accepted while keeping their money rolling in. 18/06/16

Michael Spence

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