Tuesday 21 June 2016

PM Holness' Declaration - Michael Spence

Are mandatory declarations a violation of one’s fundamental rights and freedoms?

"For those kinds of details to be released to the general public, in my opinion, is quite unnecessary and could be harmful and a possible invasion of the right to privacy” Says the Executive Director  of National Integrity Action, Professor Trevor Munroe."The normally fearless Marxist Professor Munroe   seems to have begun to be afraid and nervous that sooner or later Holness and Robinson will make his position and the NIA redundant because they have moved ahead of him and now have a Holness Robinson Integrity Action (HRIA). People, Prime Minister Holness said his 10 years of declarations; they are accurate and in keeping with the truth have obviously raised the bar to a level that many cannot reach and "dem A Fret". I wonder if Prof trying to repair the air condition units to cool down the temperature and ease the pressure, frustration, panic and profuse sweating among those in these hotter times. What will  the survival rate and fall out be and don’t forget the courts are there to get injunctions against declarations e.g. they are too invasive and an invasion of privacy a violation of one’s Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, chapter 3, paragraph thirteen subsections (a) and  (c) of the Jamaican constitution and would this be applicable? 20/06/16

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