Wednesday 28 June 2017

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

Dealing With Crime

The papers recently reported that a Jamaican man was sentenced to death in Pennsylvania for the murder of a 16 year old girl and her mother. I say good job we need the same measures in Jamaica to prevent a further descent into us being a "Murderous Criminals' Paradise". The message must be sent loud and clear "Murderers not Welcomed in Jamaica" no matter whether you rich poor a celebrity or a Mr. /Ms Somebody or Nobody or me. Put it on the ballot for next election and we should not vote for anyone/party who does not support the death penalty for murder or rape of little children, the people must be aware and join in rescuing Jamaica from vagabonds and scoundrels having a murder Expo and festival for the world to see. What should you do with someone who rapes a child under 12,7,5 or under 4 pet them up and fight for their right to life, what about the mourners and the dead ones? We know and have heard all the academics and many legal luminaries engage in all sorts of legal and intellectual semantics among the most vocal minority of "chatocrats".We cannot allow that misguided "Chatocracy" to lead this country astray. I hope our leaders are taking notes. My People Think for yourselves "Jamaica needs Justice" even the blind can see hear and feel.15/06/17

A 22-year-old University of Virginia undergraduate Otto Warmbier who was on a study abroad travel tour in January 2016 was arrested in N Korea for trying to steal a propaganda banner from his hotel in the capital of Pyongyang. They accused him of hostile acts, and after much tears and apologies at the trial, he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. He apparently fell ill after he was imprisoned, and the North Koreans claimed that he contracted botulism and fell into a coma after taking a sleeping pill. e, After 17 months in custody he returned home sadly in an unresponsive vegetative state after what I imagined would have been awful torture and maltreatment. No one is sure that he really stole anything and i don’t think that would be stealing but a kind of acquiring a memorabilia, but, cultures differ. As we say in Jamaica "what is joke to you is death to me”.

Americans Be Carefull

Americans must stop being naive and know that in certain places of the world people "hate Americans" so either you stay away from those places or if you dare to go you always "walk and talk on chalk line”. Do you recall the youngster that was whipped in Singapore a civilized wealthy society for graffiti?, at least today he is alive and well i imagine at home but again in Singapore graffiti is nastiness in America it is Art cultures differ. In America i once snapped my fingers to draw someone’s attention they were offended and furious that i likened them to a dog in Jamaica someone would just see it as a measure to draw attention. Again cultures differ and one has to be careful because simple cultural mistakes can cause you your life. It is interesting because in Jamaica you can call a person of African descent "Blackman" ,"blacks" or "nigger" or a Caucasian "Whiteman" "Whitey" or "Reds" no problem in America they'd call those "racist remarks" that could be on CNN or Fox news at best or cause riots. You know when i think of it with all our difficulties Jamaica is still Paradise for us the residents and visitors alike everybody welcomed “one love Jamaica everything irie”. This incident is a global lesson to all is careful how you walk and talk when in a foreign country/culture. When all is said and done though i wish that the President Kim Jun and the North Koreans will one day be able to live in peace and say “North Korea Irie”.21/06/17

We've found 'the rat'!

Letter To The Editor

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dear Editor,

Persons who live on Wellington Drive, in the vicinity of Wellington Glades in Kingston 6, continue for years to be bombarded by an offensive smell emanating from the gully that runs close to all the housing developments in this area. The 'rotten egg' smell, I suspect, is hydrogen sulphide, among other things like methane, ammonia, which in high concentrations can cause death; in lower concentrations causes irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes, nausea, nervousness, drowsiness, and headache.

A National Environment and Protection Agency (NEPA) team, on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, during routine investigation of such maladies realised that it was gas emanating from untreated sewage disposed from a plant located in the Karachi housing development. The plant deposits in the gully through a pipe strapped onto the side.

I was impressed by the persistent and meticulous NEPA enforcement team who got access to the gully for samples and photographs over a six-foot fence using ladders string and bottles along with some assistance from citizens of Wellington Glades.

Hopefully the efforts of NEPA and other relevant agencies and persons will put an end to this age-old environmental horror.

Michael Spence

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