Sunday 6 May 2018

Fi Mi Concern - Michael Spence

Most of the murders and kidnappings in the west is linked to scamming fast money directly or indirectly. The economies of Westmoreland and Hanover has been left to decay as a youngster I sold stones, coffee, cocoa, bananas and sugar cane.

Today all of that is dead and the rural youths today are more worldly and forthright being fuelled by better education, computers, google, YouTube, Facebook, what's app, Instagram, phones ,internet, cars, bikes, cable, drugs, clothes, girls, murder music with manuals and TV powered by electricity/solar. It cannot be business as usual the rural parishes need a rescue plan to gradually replace the decadent criminality as income earners. 

The Kingston generated quasi-colonial plan is not working, rural politicians must stop toeing the line and speak it like it is. If it means secession each parish has its own government or county governments Cornwall, Middlesex and Surrey. The current Parish Council local government are just agents for the Kingston based quasi-Colonial government. Cornwall in particular is bleeding under potentially radicalized criminality. The "Born and grow a Bay" security Minister Dr Horace Chang hope he will be able to make a diagnosis and surgically remove criminality from the West which he knows integrally in a holistic. Dr Chang just do it,"Disce aut discede"

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