Sunday 6 May 2018

Letter From A Listener

Good morning Mr Derby,

These pictures depict the sad state of affairs that some tax paying residents have to contend with. 

Everytime it rains this pool of black,  dirty, stinky water settles at the entrance of this establishment on Oxford Road in Spanish Town, just across from VMBS. 

Several people had fallen in the water or had slipped and fallen in the mud that is left after the water has drained, which takes forever. 

Numerous attempts had been made by the proprietors who do business there, to get the authorities to address the problem and in several years the response is that the mayor shifts the responsibility to the NWA, who didn't accept either, and the cycle goes on. 

Mr Derby, please highlight this situation on our behalf. I guess your intervention will be far more effective than ours. 

Thanx much. 

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