Monday 10 September 2018

Poor Planning, Poor Implemention, Poor Public Education resulted in Traffic Gridlock in Kingston

#NWA #JCF #GridLockInKingston. The handling of the traffic situation today in Kingston, is one of the greatest bungling I have ever seen in Jamaica. It's clear that the planning was not sufficient, the implemention seemed like guess work, the preparation of the public for the changes was insufficient and the nation lost possible millions of dollars in terms of time lost and also in the high consumption of fuel. What did we do to encourage more persons to take the buses in order to reduce the number of cars on the roads? Did we think of an area out of the city for drivers to park their cars and then take a shuttle bus into the city?.Did we think of asking organizations to stagger their opening hours? Did we distribute a simple map to motorists for them to use? Did we put signs all over the place so that motorists would know were to turn? Did we think of having a radio frequency where motorist could get contant information about the traffic especially during the peak period? I must also ask, why were garbage trucks on the roads during peak trafic hours? Could we have set times when trailers and other heavy duty vehicles could be seen on the roads. Many of those who should be planning and solving the challenges today were busy media house hopping. What a life, what a country!!!

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