Sunday 9 September 2018

Thoughts From A Supporter

Hello Mr. Darby,
Some time has gone by since that most unfortunate tragedy with the drowning of the 5 yr. old boy and the rafting supervisor in the Martha Brae, but I still must extend my sincere sympathy to the families. It bothers me.

My wonder is whether or not the patrons on these rafts are equipped with life jackets. If this has not been a requirement, must it not now be policy/mandatory for this to be?  The charge could include a small  fee/rental for the jacket. What do you think?
I am very concerned about the fact that Jamaica is now importing a large amount of sugar, while our plantations are  cultivating grass!  Thousands of acres(hectares) are lying fallow. What is going to happen to the people who earn a living  from this  industry? What is going to be the alternative to growing sugar cane? All the land cannot be for the construction of houses. If so, what will be the source of income for the home owners? This is a very, very, very big headache for Government. I know that they have tried divesting, which just has not worked.

I was recently watching on the internet, the cultivation of pineapples in Puerto Rico on thousands of hectares of well organized farms. The famous Del Monte brand is from there. 
I wonder if successive Governments have ever  thought of that possible substitute to sugar cane? Cattle rearing is at a minimum, I suppose because of theft. What a pity!
As a matter of fact, I understand that pineapples were once grown here. We once also grew large quantities of ortanique fruit..  We gave away both to Puerto Rico and Cuba.  

Well, it is just me thinking! I lack the resources!

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