Wednesday 19 June 2019

Entertainment Group To Help To Change Jamaica


Kingston, Jamaica, June 19, 2019: Actor, talk show host and consumer advocate Vernon Derby is convinced that Jamaica needs to change to become a more positive nation with opportunities for it’s people. He feels that artistes can play a significant role in bringing about this change.

He has therefore asked a number of entertainers, writers and other support persons to be a part of this group called Artistes For Change. These include Rojjah, Tanice Morrison, Mackie Conscious and Sam Carty who are professional performers. These artistes have performed locally and overseas and they have recorded some excellent songs over the years. It is expected that more artists will join this group in the near future.

Artists will be encouraged to perform songs which can uplift the people of Jamaica and the world. Two of these artists Rojjah and Tanice Morrison will be performing at Jazz & Cabaret In The Gardens on  June 30, at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston.

Vernon Derby, the Coordinator has been involved in entertainment and broadcast media for many years. He was involved in the very successful Tastee Talent Competition Show and last year he chaired the 2018 Festival Song Competition Committee. The 2018 Festival Song Competition under his leadership was responsible for attracting the largest number of entries, the largest number of professional singers performing the top 10 songs and also  the largest group to enter the competition.
Mackie Conscious


Sam Carty

Tanice Morrison

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