Monday 17 June 2019

JPS Response to Electricution of 16 Year Old

JPS is saddened at the tragic passing of Tyrese Winter, a 16-year-old youth in Hamilton Gardens, Portmore, yesterday, June 16 and expresses condolences to the family at this difficult time.  The Company is also concerned about information disseminated around the incident, which requires clarification. According to a report, JPS responded to the emergency call, regarding the teen, some 3 hours after being summoned.  This is absolutely incorrect.  Here are the facts:

  • -         JPS received a call at 11:11am on June 16, about an electric shock in Hamilton Gardens
  • -         At 11:26am, the Company received a call from the police, indicating an alleged electrocution
  • -        At 11:56am – JPS arrived and conducted the isolation of the circuit
  • -     At 12:08pm – the isolation or de-energization was completed to facilitate the fire brigade’s operations

    This means the Company completed its response within one hour, from receiving the first call to completing the operation - and not 3 hours as was reported.

JPS regrets this loss of life and continues to remind persons that power lines should be given a minimum of 12 ½ foot clearance from trees, buildings and other structures. The Company remains committed to providing the highest quality service and safety, for all members of the public.

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