Saturday 6 February 2021

Reflecting on the Life Of Andrea Lowe-Garwood

Andrea Lowe-Garwood was slain in a church in Falmouth, Trelawny, while she was praying. She lost her husband and there have been many rumours going around about her and the situation surrounding her death. The following is a tribute from friends of Andrea Lowe-Garwood which was sent to me:

Andrea Lowe-Garwood

The song: God Favours Me by Hezekiah Walker proudly describes Andrea Lowe-Garwood...God favoured her. They whispered, they conspired, they told a whole lot of lies on me, but God favoured me, my integrity, everything was in question, but God favoured me....speaking from Andrea's heart.

Andrea and her husband

The myriad of emotions washed over us as the memories come flooding of the type and kind of person Andrea truly was. The pain of her loss is so heavy, it permeates our entire being.

Andrea's endearing trait...she loved life!!!

Andrea was an encourager and an enhancer of life. She love fellowship. Andrea was the person who would help you navigate through stuff and get things done. Being a social worker, she had the ability, passion and gift of helping others along the way.

Andrea Lowe-Garwood celebrated life and she had an amazing tale of a beautiful survival and immeasurable courage. She was the life of the party. She was very engaging. Andrea won many battles along life's way. She was a treasure that some people never understood. Andrea had an incessant drive to keep going. If you thought you knew who she was at first glance, then you would have to think again. Her late husband told us that the first time he saw her, his impression was that she was a "stoochie", proud, "Unattached" but he quickly dismissed that perception because she was the warmest and friendliest person to know. She was courteous, always willing to help.

When she lost her husband in July 2020, she was at times a "hot mess". Her soul grew weary and angry. She was at that point for a while, but it was not those moments that defined her.

She was just about digging herself out of a hole and digging her way back out of the abyss. That's what defined her---her incessant drive to keep going, growing and eventually thriving. Andrea faced the fires of her tragedies and decided that she was more—more than capable, more than the things that brought her pain. Her courage was forged in flames of those defining moments.

She wasn't brave because she wanted to be, she was brave because she HAD to be. She was not a survivor or a victim, she was a warrior with an iron-will and a passionate spirit.

When you crossed path with this amazing woman, she never hesitated to share with you her journey. As a result, it was very easy to appreciate who she was and where she had been.

Andrea spoke about her inner feelings, she expressed her flaws. She was who she was, unapologetic and without regret. Her story is an amazing tale of a beautiful survival and immeasurable courage. Her conversations everyday promoted growth and development - both physical and spiritual. Our fellowship was undoubtedly an outstanding experience. She was a stickler for good things. She was very kind and developed the habit of sharing her meals, her knowledge, her time, information, her gifts and talents.

Andrea Lowe-Garwood was a woman of all seasons in life, who faithfully gave herself to the Lord and to the service of the church. She knew how to create a balance between her many and varied responsibilities. Andrea coloured her world everywhere she went. Her home was a centre for "Bible studies and prayer" every Wednesday which she did with a passion. Her work on earth is of eternal value and she will receive her rewards

Just a week ago, Andrea expressed her desire for her faith in God to be increased. She said, "l want to be at that place in God that if someone should hurt any of my family members, I would want to be able to truly forgive them, talk with them and help them beyond that point. She also spoke about setting aside Feb 1-3 as three days of fasting and prayer, which would have centred around personal direction from the Lord. She said it was all about making the sacrifice to spend some alone time with God. Oh What an awesome desire!!

Today, Andrea is no more. She has departed in a way that none of us can fathom why, a way that will forever etched in our hearts of that fateful January 31, Sunday morning. God favours Andrea. She is now at her ultimate destination...she is home with God.

Her outstretched arms and songs of praise just before her final moment, epitomize a woman who loved and reverenced God. She was a strong woman of commitment and character, compassion, conviction, clarity and creativity. We will remember her contribution to this ministry through her devotion and dedication. Andrea had that leadership and professional ability that inspired many. It is indeed a time of celebration for us....rejoicing in God for a life well-lived.

To the world, this is crazy!!! But we understand fully, that the language of the Kingdom of God is different.

Andrea Lowe-Garwood, your time with us seemed so short but the measure of life is not determined by the number of years nor duration, instead it is determined by Donation and PURPOSE. Your life was underscored by your generosity (which had no boundary), your love and desire to always reach out and connect with others. We thank God for lending you to us.

In the midst of losing such a treasure so tragic, deep in our hearts, we know you have won and you have overcome. We pause long enough to give God the worship that is due unto Him!!!

Andrea Lowe-Garwood, God favours you.  Rest in heavenly peace.

Editors Note: I have not been able to confirm any of the spurious information about Mrs. Lowe-Garwood published on social media. Her husband has no minor child and she did not run any child who was 14 out of her house. Mr. and Mrs. Garwood would have set up their asset ownership structure which suites them. If they both own all their assets as a couple then if one dies the house for example would go to the survivor.  The whole argument about her being greedy and wanting everything has no basis whatsoever. If any person felt that they were entitled to anything then the matter should have been taken to the court. It was an evil act to kill this woman while she was praying in church and it is equally evil for persons to concoct stories about this woman and what led to her demise.

Persons have been detained by the police for her killing and we will wait to see what comes out of those court proceedings.


Unknown said...

Well said

Unknown said...

And the end of it all we will be praying incessantly for her one seed.

We cant see Gods purpose in this situation but he has a plan.

someone who actually knew her said...

Amen!!! You could not have said it better!! That was Andrea!

Micspen said...

Another 9 day wonder,what is happening to the case.

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