Wednesday 16 June 2021

A Letter To Vernon - The Approximately 400,000 Unattached Youth.

Dear Mr. Derby

A Major challenge Jamaica has is the approximately 400,000 unattached youths which means no work no school and this is feeding the conveyor belts for the rapidly growing illegitimate sector of the Crime Industry. When compared with the legitimate sector the sector crime accounts for about 7% of GDP. "
Idle dawg worry sheep" is a truism. How will the society organize to  capture and harness the potential industrious/productive hands and brains among these "dawgs" as they refer to each other.

Prepare for the human rights and United Nations support so a sensitization/marketing blitz is essential. The "Youth Rescue" mission designated to create a True Jamaican is a total resocialization program inclusive of skills, values, attitudes, history and consciousness .The acquisition or building of "Rescue Missions" in every parish which would be more like a school military correctional skills and knowledge indoctrination/re-education centres. The objective of creating a True Jamaican (TJ).A TJ is one that embodies the world class, values, norms, attitudes and skills necessary for the creation of a literate, civilized, productive citizen necessary for the deepening and widening of an equitable, disciplined Wealth Creation process in society. True Jamaican Rescue Missions (TJRM).Volunteers will be welcomed both as participants and staff/administrators.

Ethical Dons would not be excluded. This is going to be a national mass movement that could change the face and image of Jamaica locally and in the diaspora saving Jamaica from decadence and the abyss.

The Jamaica Rescue Mission 2021 and beyond is essential .

Michael Spence

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