Thursday 17 June 2021

Employ Bog WalK Gorge Divers - Michael Spence

These divers around the Bog Walk Gorge have been giving yeoman service saving lives for decades. Now they should be additionally trained, equipped, uniformed and employed under the LENGTH MAN  System doubling as maintenance personnel under the NWA .

The Gorge road has been allowed to deteriorate so badly and even then approach to the bridge has a pothole crater for months now causing persons to have had near misses to falling off into the river. Last week a trailer had a near miss and a lady drove in the river and died, a bus plunged in recently accounting for one death. The situation on that stretch of road is the worst I have seen for a long time. Do something NWA/Government to save lives because not all persons can afford the highway toll rates.

Michael Spence
Kingston 6

Note: Add you comments if you support or do not support this suggestion.


  1. This suggestion is very worthy of consideration. The whole gorge should be developed to a world class tourist attraction, hence the services of these guys would be globally recognized.

  2. What these drivers need to do is be more responsible and stop the speeding and over taking on that stretch of road then you'll have less people that needs to be save.but formalizing the divers would be a good thing, although I've been hearing that plea for years now, and nothing.

  3. I know this writer, Michael Spence. This is an excellent suggestion. However, the users of the road should be more careful driving on the road. Cut your speed significantly in that area.

  4. I disagree, fix the road and put up barriers

  5. yes..employ those divers.. they have saved many lives

  6. I so agree that the whole gorge should be develope as a world class Tourist attraction,and having these divers dress in their own uniform, the fruits stalls upgraded,I believe it would be a wonderful spot for Tourist to visit.

  7. It's the responsibility of the drivers to drive with care. Nevertheless, I agree with the suggestion.

  8. I believe we should employ them they are saving lives

  9. Those.persons have been saving lives and so I do agree for the training, however drivers apparently are not at all concerned
    Some study would have to done as to how upgrading the road, the situation there is not an easy one, very costly

  10. Great idea for making the gorge a tourist attraction. I fully support the training of the divers. It would create a sense of pride and dignity and maybe something that future generations could aspire towards.
    While I understand the recommendation to erect barriers, my view is that it would take away from the attractiveness of the space. Additionally, as it relates to Flat Bridge itself, rails will not work. I believe that it was tried a while back and mother nature removed them.


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