Thursday 17 June 2021

Police Commissioner Anderson Gives Shocking Figures on Murders!!!

The Commission of  Police presentation to the 

Rotary Club of Downtown Kingston

Click HERE to listen.

It is now time to tell our leaders that we are tired of going down this crime sink hole. The nation has to do it together by turning against the corrupt ones and the criminals who seem to be in charge. Remember that where corruption talks, crime walks, and when we keep quiet we become a part of the problem.

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1 comment:

  1. This is what should shock a nation
    Jamaica is the fithbmost murderous country on the planet.In the year of independence there were 63 murders or 3.9 per 100000.Fast forward to 2021 there were 1301 murders or 46.5 per 100000.Our friends USA is 11.5,China 0.62 while Camnada is appr 2.6.Between 1962 and 2021 we have murdered on excess of 50,000 of ourselves.Is what what independence is all about as we make a fuss about the queen as head of state.At least before independence we were behaving as civilized people.Should we be calling for relinquishing independence as a solution to behaving as a civilized people.We have turned Independence into a criminal disgrace??


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