Saturday 21 August 2021

Covid-19 Blues - Swinging To The Right, Swinging To The Left.......

Lockdown And No Medication!

Vernon L. Derby
This afternoon, I checked to make sure that I had my medications which could last me for the lockdown which will last from Sunday, August 21, to Tuesday August 24. I was horrified to discover that I was on my last day's supply. I jumped into my car and was about to fly to the pharmacy when I realized that the car had no intention to respond to the pressing of the start button. The only response I got was a clicking sound and flickering lights on the dashboard.

Time was of the essence so for the first time in about 30 years or more I called the insurance  road assist section. The response I got from the dispatcher was sorry, "We offer road assistance not home assistance".  

If I was a corrupt person, I could have told the dispatcher that I was on the road and I guess he would turn up to give me road assistance. You who are reading this might even say to yourself,  "Vernon how yu so fool, yu should just gi di man a pap off an yu would have no problem!".

I explained to the dispatcher on the line that this is now the lockdown weekend, the car cannot move and I need to get to the pharmacy to get some medications. Without such medications, I could be taken out before Covid-19 was ready to take me out. Well he explained that it was the company's policy. I guess that the company's policy must live, even if I die subsequently. His heart seemed to have been moved by my situation and I realized that he was having a change of heart. Probably he has a relative with similar challenges, or  he has similar challenges, or intrinsically he is a good man.

He came, got the car started and I went to the pharmacy. I got my medications just before the pharmacy lock up time. Before going into the pharmacy which is next door, I went into the  supermarket, where I noticed that masks were used as passes to get into the supermarket and they are subsequently used as chin or head top masks after some persons entered. I spoke to a gentleman about not wearing his mask and he told me which part of my mother to suck. I said to myself, it would be interesting to know if he has a wife or a girl friend because as far as I know only the NSWMA collects garbage.

Barbadian Woman Speaks Out About Covid-19

A Barbadian woman speaks her mind about people's attitude to covid-19 and getting vaccination. One could insert Jamaica for Barbados in her speech.

Note: There were 794 new cases yesterday and this figure could be higher since persons could have the virus and they have not yet been tested. Are we heading for 1,000 persons a day and possible over 30,000 per month of confirmed cases? The crisis is here and many of us are like crabs in a pot of boiling water. We think that we can jump out of the pot of boiling water. Jumping out could mean jumping into the fire. We have indeed brought this pot of boiling water on our selves. 

We have now reached the stage where the Prime Minister can no longer preside over this crisis like a motor car swinging to the right, swinging to the left and it is totally out of control.

More Readings


  1. Some people are so hard, but thank God him change his mind and help 🙌🙌 God. Uv

  2. That is why I keep saying, "Do good and good will follow you".

  3. Plz, keep a spare set of the medication if you can afford it. We can't afford to loose you like that.


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