Saturday 21 August 2021

Covid-19 - More From The Doctors And Union Leaders, Less From The Politicians

We Need To Hear More From Our Doctors

Dr. Andrew Manning OD
President - MAJ
I received a report about a health worker who received her second dosage of AstraZeneca and has contracted the Covid-19 virus. We are hoping as the scientists have said, that when you take the vaccine you give yourself a fighting chance. It means therefore that although you have taken the vaccine you must continue to follow the protocols. 

I need to hear from the doctors about the position of those persons who are seriously ill and their resistance is very low. If these persons take the vaccine, does that mean they will not die from Covid-19? 

There are many myths going around and many self-appointed doctors and many social media commentators. Dr. Andrew Manning, President of the Medical Association of Jamaica, I believe that it is time that the Medical Association of Jamaica starts to put out weekly information about Covid-19. We need to have less politicking about this very dangerous pandemic. We need to hear more from our doctors. 

I must admit that both the past and the current President of the Pharmacy Association of Jamaica have been quite vocal. They have even contributed articles to this blog. The nurses complain quite often about the conditions of work but we need to hear more from them about this terrible illness.

Conflict At The Workplace

Helen Davis-Whyte OD
President of JALGO
I am getting reports of conflicts developing at some workplaces because some workers have refused to wear masks, while others feel that their lives are at risk when some workers do not wear their masks. Question is, can workers who refuse to wear masks be fired?

You will notice also that the trade unions have been very silent about Covid-19 and the need to abide by the Covid-19 protocols. Probably the union leaders have encouraged their members to wear their masks and to follow Covid-19 protocols but we are not hearing enough from them.

Kavan Gayle CD
President of the BITU

My understanding is that there are no laws to enforce the wearing of masks at the work place. I plan to discuss this matter with the lawyers. Probably one of the lawyers who follow this blog, can add a comment. I would love to hear from Helen Davis-Whyte - General Secretary of Jamaica Association of Local Government Officers, BITU head Kavan Gayle, and head of the Civil Service Association - Oneil Grant.

Do they support the idea of having laws making it an offence for not wearing masks at the workplace?

Covid-19 virus will continue to ravage this island and we cannot fiddle while Jamaica continues to burn

More Information:


  1. I would like to know the true, give us the facts about these vaccines.why is it that not all our parliamentarian, have taken the vaccine.

    1. Why are you worried about politicians? Many can afford the expensive medical bills. They can't buy life for sure! You be careful.

  2. The Disaster risk management act should be perused. The guidelines in relation to the wearing of masks should be there. The police is charging persons and putting them before the court for failure to wear a mask therefore, it would be an offense not to wear it in the workplace under the disaster risk management act

  3. Why does Dr. Fauci and the CEO of Moderna said that they don't need to take the vaccine because they are healthy?

    1. Dr. Fauci got his first shot of Moderna, at N.I.H, on December 22, 2020.

    2. Please provide us with the evidence and the content of what was injected into "their" bodies .. the vaccine granted immunity they say at the start .. now it will not have you suffer in affections of covid once you contract the thing ...KD knight wife was devote vaccine follower, two shots!! but died miserable at the hand of covesha (covid) what then is the real use of this snake oil ?!! Ivermectin have been banned which "wil" lessen the " so called pile up at hospitals but the PM and health minister of the country has BLOCKED the use of it saying their superiors ordered the block ... who are you superiors ? I emplore each jamaican to think critically and not along party lines .... your life and the lives of your children DEPENDS on it !!

  4. Did doctor Fauci and the CEO of Moderna say that they don't need to take the vaccine because they are healthy?

    1. No! Dr. Fauci got vaccinated back in December 2020 with the Moderna vaccine.

  5. This sound like an anti-vaxer argument. Vernon, plz tell them they are not welcomed here. Let's keep this blog honest and true. If you not an anti vaxers, plz confirm these lies before you post them.
    No major news network has carried this, be responsible. Don't post it if you are not sure

    1. Just respond when false information is given out.

  6. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. The gov must understand that they have a responsibility to protect the many from the few.that is where we have to start looking at rights of individuals.

  7. The government do and do till him can do no more �� Yes we need to hear more about the vaccine, I'm fully vaccinated �� but tha

  8. But that nuh say me fe still going around without 😷😷😳

  9. Wear your mask source ivermectin (if you can sanitize, social distant .. and we'll be A ok the PM called the general Election in the MIDDLE of the worst pandemic.. remember that !! .. guess what ... is he had it to to again to gain power ?! HE WOULD .. one fool makes many the pm is now an mp who is the pm of this GREAT NATION ?!


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