Wednesday 15 September 2021

What's Happening - September 15, 2021

MP Floyd Green

Floyd Green Resigns As Minister

MP Floyd Green and former Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, was seen in a video of a party on the government's 'lock down day. The party animals were not complying with the Covid-19 protocols. This video went viral and although MP Floyd Green is a good man, he has slipped in that he was not in compliance with laws made by his own party. If you slip then you have to slide. His apology for his action was classic.  This event should be studied and remembered by all politicians. They should know that for every act there is an action. Today MP Floyd Green resigned in Jamaica from the Cabinet of Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, and his action has strengthened our democracy. 

Andrew Bellamy
I would not write MP Green off because he could say, "I shall Return". Hopefully he has not suffered any major back challenges from that fall on his face and he will be ready to stand up again in the future. It is a good thing that his act was not treated by the Prime Minister as youthful exuberance. Is this a sign of more political maturity in Jamaica?  If you slip you slide and then you have to offer your resignation? Today is International Day of Democracy and that is a good sign for democracy in Jamaica. I understand also that action will be taken against councilor Andrew Bellamy who was also seen in the same video.

There are other leaders who must be shaking in their boots. Let us not fool ourselves because there are leaders in politics, in professional organizations, board members and others who also need to consider packing their bags and go. Many of them are a disgrace to themselves, their families and to the country. Many rightly call for Floyd's resignation but they should also look into themselves.

Yes, there are others who have done far worse than Floyd Green, but because the public spotlight has not been focused on them, they have literally gotten away with murder. We only have to look back over the past thirty or more years, and I am sure that you can come up with a long list of leaders who should have packed their bags and left. Some have spent many years serving at the political level, on state boards and in other leadership positions such as the church and also in business. 

Floyd Green has set the example and stepped aside. Who will follow the lead? Some will say, this looks bad because here we have another Minister having to step aside. My concern is not about another Minister stepping aside, but who next should step aside. Yes, there are others who must step aside and the question is, will they wait until something becomes a public scandal before they step aside? Old time people wudda say, 'Time longer dan rope'. 

Who is next?

Other Information:

  1. Floyd Green resigns. Gleaner
  2. Gabrielle Hylton Floyd Green's advisor resigns - Jamaica Observer.
  3. Video of the party
  4. Floyd Green resigns.

Banks Must Help To Reduce The Number Of Dormant Accounts

Banks can help to reduce the incidence of dormant accounts by requiring that persons add someone to their customer information record, who can be contacted in case  the bank is unable to contact the customer. The banks also should not wait until the account becomes dormant, but send a message to the account holder prior to the account becoming dormant.

I do believe that sometimes when persons become old or they leave the country the account is not maintained and the banks have no other contact for them. Someone could suffer from dementia for example and their relatives might not know where they have bank accounts. Having one or more persons who can serve as contact persons for a customer would certainly make a difference.

Customers stand to loose billions due to their accounts becoming dormant! Many business persons are anxiously waiting to get their hands on these funds. The see it has cheap loans.

Senior Citizens and Citizens With Special Needs

Citizens standing up for
three hours at the bank.

Help me to encourage business and utility companies especially to allow senior citizens and citizens with special needs to to business at their business place between 0830 and 0930 EST. Other persons could be served if enough senior citizens and special needs persons are not waiting to be served.


  1. Very sad situation regarding Floyd Green on what happened on the no movement day. Jamaica's most popular and likeable minister. Only hope he will be allowed to make a comeback at an early date.

  2. Floyd Green should say, "I shall return"

  3. This behaviour is unacceptable and as public servants they should be held accountable for their reckless and selfish behaviour. Imagine Jamaicans are locked down like prisoners while the politicians party down and celebrate, scoffing at the obedience of the masses. This is very unfortunate. But is he one of a few or just one of a few to be caught? Is this what our elected officials are doing on lockdown days? While their constituents lose out on earning a living and accessing basic commodities.

  4. I expected it because do you all recall Ryan Simpson who was set to run against Lisa Hanna in SE St Ann.A few weeks maybe three weeks before the elections the allegation was that he returned from overseas and flouted the quarantine orders and he was asked to withdraw.Mr Green is a good youth but as our mothers would remind us "don't follow bad company".His move is a master political stroke that has dismantled the political minefield that started to explode.A big man response walking away from the bwoy,bwoy activities.The strong Seaga side of Holness is coming out as under a Seaga JLP if you dream of breaking certain rules you better gone before he tells you Holness is making his stamp.The lesson is ,"if you slip you slide, out".
    Minister of Agriculture now needed Mrs Holness,Mr Morgan or Tufton to looks like potential candidates,let's see.By the way,what about those signed resignation letters allegedly in the possession of the Prime Minister?

  5. The resignation was the best thing to do. He should know better.. last week end I was sick and had to wait until Wednesday to go to the doctor because of lockdown. Very good Mr. Prime Minister.

  6. Well said Mr Derby 😳 I respect Floyd Green so much, he works so hard smh. I'm in deep shock 😳 🤔 from morning, I really feel it for him and i looking forward for his return 🙏 good people a good people and he did the right thing to resign.

  7. Well said Vernon, all left to be said is. AMEN

  8. All those detractors who are attempting to score cheap political points re: the Floyd Green, etc Al, resignations (FORTHWITH!!). Better know sey, he and others have now set the bar for future politicians and their colleagues who breach the public's trust to do the right, and nuh come telling the Jamaican people 'bout nuh B/S "YOUTHFUL EXUBERANCE," nor nuh spinning and excuses. He/she who has ears to hear, let them hear. There is a new Sheriff in town. His name is Sheriff Accountability. Him color blind, nah tek nuh sides, and he nah tek no prisoners. Peace!!

  9. That is a good sign I hope the rest take heed as leaders we must set example for a glass of champagne you lose your job


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