Saturday 18 September 2021


Dear Mr. Derby,

I read the article titled “PM Not Ruling Out Kartel as Vax Ambassador” in the Weekend Gleaner of Sept. 18-19, 2021 with dismay. The fact that PM Holness would be ambivalent in his response to such a recommendation to use Kartel as a vax ambassador is outrageous.

Kartel (aka Adidjah Palmer) may be one of the most influential figures in the country’s entertainment industry but he’s not the only one. Surely there are others in the entertainment industry without criminal records who could be enlisted. Furthermore, Palmer has reportedly recorded many songs from prison in contravention of regulations. This smacks of glorification of criminality. Our vaccination ambassadors should be people who are worthy of emulation.

We are relying on our leaders to exhibit good judgment in matters such as these.


Concerned Citizen

And a convicted murderer shall lead them?

Note: I had asked Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. Christopher Tufton if there was any consideration to use this convicted murderer in the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, and he had said no.

This letter was sent to me by a couple who is recognized internationally but out of concern for their security, I have been asked not to identify them as writers of this letter.

Click HERE to read the post on Minister Christopher Tufton's response.

A number of persons have said this convicted murderer is very influential. Some might be wondering if this murderer is motivating other young persons to become an artiste, a murderer and a star?

More Reading:


  1. No wonder that all a wi dedicated musicians have to struggle on our own....! How about a young CLEAN artiste like Lila Ike, Cronixx etc....

  2. The thought of using a convicted ambassador for murder and other crimes to be an ambassador for any national program to say the least is sickening.This will send a longer term message to youths aspiring to gangsterism and creating duppies out of us.Crime along with COVID-19 is a twin pandemic and now considering to use the perpetrators of the murder pandemic to solve the COVID-19 pandemic is "pragmadness".Okay let's work with the madness put a team together with Tesha,Blackman,Ninjaman, Tommy Lee, and others in Prishotels then borrow Dudus from the Americans as President of this recrafted twin pandemic attack program would probably get results with BROGAD and 6 on the outside elevating the thing.All who won't get Vaxxed is Klam Klam Klam we on the way to the Abyss.

  3. No, no not Kartel nor any carcerated criminals that would be more than crazy. The prime can find many decent entertainers to do that. However the person should be one who has taken the vaccines

  4. Lawlessness will prevail as we descend to the pits of stupidity, desperation, lack of will power and strength....anarchy... sheer madness.

  5. Exceptionally disappointed hearing the PM saying the idea is not ruled out suggests the idea may been discussion(s). Now I feel our leaders are clueless and clutching at straws. I would have feel significantly better hearing our PM saying "not under my watch"

  6. I totally agree with you Vernon to use other entertainers

  7. Good day.

    I would not expect the PM or the Minister of Health to even entertain such a suggestion.

  8. I have a feeling that the subject does have a lot of influence esp among the young men. Y not also or preferably use him to convince the many JCPAJs in the country to put down or better yet take in the guns to the Commissioner? That would solve the biggest prob we have (gun shootings and murders) in no time! Oh btw JCPAJ is the Joint Crime Producers Assn of Jamaica (they haven't called themselves that yet, but every top ranking police officer believes it's best to attach the good word 'producers' to them)!

  9. It is so hypocritical to see some of y'all waving y'all Morality flags against the PM asking Kartel to use his celebrity to convince his fellow incarcerated inmates or others to reconsider taking the vaccine. When many of y'all are voting for corrupt politicians who are the influencers of violence in this country. The very corrupt politicians who are in bed with Criminals. Better yet; many of y'all follow the teachings of St. Paul: A persecutor and murderer of early Christians. Yes, I said it! Now, if the Almighty, powerful God can use a murderer like St. Paul to spread the message of salvation all around the world. Why can't a lowly PM ask a convicted murderer to use his celebrity to convince others to reconsider taking the vaccine - to save their lives? Furthermore, y'all loosing valuable sleep and causing y'all B/P to get elevated prematurely, when Kartel may very well show Andrew the Middle finger. After all; he did say that he despises politicians. Peace!

  10. It was God who chose Paul. The last time I checked, Brogad wasn't God.

    It is our responsibility to constantly pray for all our leaders. To many of us, Andrew Holness is the best thing to have happened to us since sliced bread, or at least Michael Manley.
    However, lest we forget, Brogad isn't God. He will make mistakes.
    Thank goodness, God, not man has the final word.


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