Monday 1 November 2021

Culture Minister Under Fire - How Will PM Handle This?

Hon. Olivia Grange
 Minister of Sports, Culture,
Entertainment and Gender Affairs.
Culture Minister, The Hon. Oliva 'Babsy' Grange, is coming under fire for what some say is the pending appointment of Sydney Bartley as Executive Director for the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC). Mr. Bartley has been in the boiling pot of controversy in the past. With his colourful, dramatic and outgoing personality, some feel that Sydney would be the ideal choice to lead the JCDC. Others contend that perception can hinder even the best leader in their efforts to do good.  

Persons have said that the JCDC caters a lot to the children and therefore any perception about the possible treatment of children can damage
Sydney Bartley
the name of the organization. Some have argued that Sydney Bartley has not been convicted of any crime and therefore if he is the best man for the job then let him do the job.

This matter has now become very controversial and I understand from good sources that the matter has been brought to the Prime Minister's attention. Members of Parliament have also wade in on the matter privately, and have expressed their concerns.

A comment on a previous blog that I wrote, stated that if Sydney Bartley is the best man for the job then staff members who do not support the appointment should seek another employment. Based on feedback, it is clear that staff members, members of the Management

The Most Hon. Andrew Holness
Prime Minister of Jamaica

team and some members of the Board do not support the possible appointment.

Word on the ground is that Mr. Bartley could take up his appointment on Wednesday of this week. It is still not clear why neither the current Acting Executive Director, Mrs. Leyton Kirton nor the previous Executive Director, Ms. Daffodil Thompson of the JCDC, were not considered fit for the post. Information from reliable sources state that the previous Director Ms. Daffodil who performed exceptionally well, and was recommended for appointment by a sub-committee of the Board was surprisingly not appointed.

The organization has been without a permanent head since 2017 and this has no doubt impacted on the performance of the organization.

The question on everybody's mind is how Prime Minister, The Most Hon. Andrew Holness will handle this matter, which could take on national proportions. Depending on how this matter is handled, it could put a dent in the popularity of his government. We should note that both audit and Integrity Commission investigations into the operations of the JCDC are currently taking place.

Other Readings:


  1. Interesting. How can you put a person in that position after those allegation? Minister you over stepping now

    1. An allegation is that - an allegation and he won the case. So what is he now guilty of?

  2. Right now we don't want the friend thing,we want the people who we can trust to do the work

  3. The staff and others who want to support the current acting head are free to do so, but should not use it to disqualify a better person for the job. Accusing a person fastly should not prevent them from taking up a post in government,

  4. When do we stop using a persons past to be a life sentence on them. If the person suggested for appointment to lead the JCDC, is not fit for what ever reason then why make the suggestion or recommendation? At some point in time we have to move forward and not allow a persons past to distroy the possibility of sucess.

    On the other hand, if the case against this person is so great, minister you need to re-thunk this recommendation, and stop putting the Prime Miniter, Dean of Disciple, under pressure.

    1. It is not just about one man's success but the impact on the success of the organization

  5. You are overstepping Vernon as you have no kmowledge of what decisions were taken at board level, staff level. Thats how it is when you are on the outside looking in, you spread rumours to create q situation that is'nt there.

    1. Vernon is not the subject of this post and it is clear that you have no knowledge of me nor what is happening at the institution. Go and do your research and then come back and make a meaningful contribution, since all of this will impact you as a citizen of this country.

    2. Vernon thanks for publishing additional information regarding the case. Good research. You not only provided the cuurrent situation but went into the archives to what transpired prior...

  6. Remember KEVIN SMITH HIS EXCELLENCY, Doctor, Bishop, Head of the cult. No one takes a stand against these "BIG" people in position. Not saying the allegations are true against this man but if alligator go a river bottom an sey fish down dey listen!


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