Tuesday 2 November 2021

Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affiliates (JAVAA) Needs Your Support

Frankie Campbell
The following message was received from the Chairman of JAVAA:

Good day: This is Frankie Campbell Chairman of The Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affiliates (JAVAA) and Manager and Bass Player of Fab 5. JAVAA is an organziation dedicated to the  preservation of Jamaica's musical heritage through the protection of the professional well-being of our vintage artistes and musicians. We are now over 18 years old and have over 150 members. 

We have life insurance coverage for 100 of our members which has allowed us to be able to bury with some dignity, many of our members who have died. Pre COVID we had many shows on an annual basis, raising money for the day to day running of the association and giving valuable exposure and an income to performing members of the group. With the global pandemic in Jamaica since March 10, 2020, we have been unable to put on any event as our industry is totally shut down. Fab 5, who over the last 18 years have been the main benefactor, investing millions of dollars, so JAVAA could stay afloat, have also found themselves in the same predicament, no earnings over the last 19 months. 

We are now appealing to anyone for whatever assistance we can get to ensure that this important music organization does not die, but will live on to benefit our vintage performers/musicians and Jamaica at large, through the promotion of positive wholesome music that Jamaica was known for in the past. Thanks and be blessed. For further information please contact: Frankie Campbell 876 819-2936  11 Springvale Ave Kgn 10

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