Thursday 6 January 2022

Keep It Simple Stupid

One of the interesting things about those of us who have become intoxicated with our academic achievements, is how we are able to confuse the educated and the uneducated with literary fluff and the spitting out of impressive data. The aim it seems to me, is more about impressing our audience with our level of education rather than getting them to understand what was presented.

The video below was not intended to implicate anyone specifically but I hope that we all get the message. 

I would really like to know who is the lady in this video. I hope that you find it as hilarious as I did. Remember to Keep It Simple Stupid - KISS.


During AYS with Vernon Derby on Nationwide 90 FM, from 0830 to 1000 EST, Thursday, January 6, 2022, I will be talking  about your JPSCo bills. Give me a call then.


  1. 😆 Really funny only in Jamaica

  2. I don't really understand is she talking about JPS

  3. Oh,we continue to confuse a human repository of knowlege with being educated.Education is the functional use of knowlege having an impact on making human life m of re civilized and liveable.

  4. This one made my day. And I completely agree with your coments

  5. I remember years ago a lectureror professor came on television to explain some strategy or the other on a very important issue. She spoke as if to impress the queen of England with her facility with the Queens English. At the end of her presentation I was stupified and felt uneducated. I remember you calling the programme and telling the host how good the lady sounded but nobody in Jamaica understood a word she said. She was visibly horrified that she didn't communicate a darn thing. Now after some 40 years you are raising the same point. When will intellectuals learn to communicate and not to show off?

  6. I think it was intended for humor.

  7. Now, isn't that profound and honest


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