Thursday 6 January 2022

What's Happening - January 6, 2022

This Police Run Tings!

One of my On The Ground Reporters sent me this video of police officers carrying out an operation. Readers, I appeal to you not to look at this video and then come to the conclusion that the whole constabulary force is bad because that is far from the truth. It is a small minority I believe that is giving the constabulary force a bad name. I know quite a few police officers who are doing a great job. Some are my friends, my relatives and one is a former employee of mine who is a senior member of the force now.

We must support any move to clean out the bad eggs from the force, because we cannot live without a good police force. Having a bad police force amounts to not having a police force. Click on the picture below to view the video.

Click to see this shocking video!

More Readings:

How Police treat another police!

How We Litter our Streets

One of my On The Ground Reporters sent me the picture shown below. It was reported that someone in the taxi threw threw 3 plastic bottles from the car on Orange Street  in the  vicinity of the fire station.

That Hilarious Kaka Fart Video

I sent out a video this morning of a women doing a take on how we communicate about Covid-19. The video was hilarious. The woman in the video is the talented Don Reid. His acting in the video shows you someone who is naturally gifted as a performer. Here is a young professional who played a part of the woman in the video. His timing, his interpretation of the character and his delivery was flawless. One could not call that acting because it seems so real.

Don Reid is also a singer and he plans to launch his album soon. I plan to play one of his records on my radio show At Your Service tomorrow at 0830 EST. You can listen to my past radio shows by clicking on the links located on the right side of this page.

Click on this link and see this hilarious skit with Don Reid.



  1. DWL that video is hilarious!

  2. Many questions comes to mind as I viewed this video. What would have caused an officer to react in this manner? Is this his normal approach? Was he provoked? Is there family trouble at home? Was this just an off day for him? I have never been a police officer however in my daily work I have to interact with them and I know their job is high stress. So it leads me to wonder what could have caused this.

    On the other hand, this officer may need some vacation leave, and just maybe need to speak with a counsellor. While he maybe or maybe not justifed in his response to whatever may have happen, professionalism is still expected. Maybe he should have just walked away and not respond to whatever it was, ones it was not affecting his duties.


  3. We need to remember that the police are Jamaicans. If we have an aggressive and abusive society then we are going to have aggressive and abusive police. In this country we plant peas but want to reap corn. I am not making excuse for the policeman’s behavior but the reality is, how are we growing our children? A man who live with abuse and aggression for 18 years of his life just cannot change that learnt behavior as soon as he enter the police force and to make matters worst sometimes he he placed right in the middle of aggression to work. We do the same things every day but expect different result.


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