Tuesday 18 January 2022

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Did The Maroons Understand The Treaty

Hi Vernon , All the best to you for the new year, I know I wished you before but no harm reinforcing it.

The Maroons of Accompong have for centuries celebrated the  signing of a treaty ending years of war between themselves and the British. For years now I have been wondering  if this treaty should be celebrated since the said maroons seemed to have gained little if anything. I wonder if Cudjoe who was illiterate and signed with an X had the benefit of a lawyer or some other  advisor to tell him not to sign that document. Every one of the 15 clauses comprising that treaty is in favour of the British. How could he ask his enemy to draft such a document. I just wonder. What do they celebrate, Cudjoe’s birthday or the treaty? ( I am sure you have read this document which is available on line)

Submitted by T. Samuels


Westmoreland and Crime

Westmoreland has had one of the most successful independents in Jamaica in "Slave Boy Evans" so will or can George Wright be as successful and not resign? Mr Wright could perhaps just say, "I Shall Return" but will he as a no name disposable in his party allegedly from the: wrong class, wrong name, wrong colour, wrong education, wrong profession, wrong values and some may say wrong parish (not being close to or from Kingston and St Andrew). Some of his party insiders may say wrong party leave us alone go elsewhere we don't need you to retain power. What about a pardon for Mr Wright and a rehabilitation process allowed to work we are sure there are many in the  upper echelons of society even in government past and present who are allegedly worse not caught on  ubiquitous social media cameras.

There is an opportunity to demonstrate publicly the universal principle of punishment and rehabilitation for reprehensible gender based violence. As a daughter of mine protested, "What about the violence meted out on the children physical and verbal going on and gone unnoticed nationally by these same women complaining the loudest. Who is going to champion the prevention of the daily suffering of  children who remain unprotected brutalized and miserable"? I was stunned, taken aback and horrified by this teenagers observation.As a nation we need to have a holistic look at endemic abuse of all people and gender, women,men and our children.Right and wrong must be clearly defined and demarcated not only focussing on wether Mr Wright it wrong or right.

Submitted by Michael Spence

Western Jamaica

The truth is that St James/western Jamaica needs helicopters in their fleet for effective rapid response and tracking. St James is not Montego Bay; Westmoreland is not Savanalamar neither is Hanover Lucea. Ten cars sound good but give me even one helicopter as the terrain is not accessible like say Kingston where you can drive to it. Let us say even Canterbury in the heart of Montego Bay is a nightmare to be avoided by any police St James alone on the outskirts is like jungle policing and distance by road is a major obstacle and if things get real bad fighting criminals is like guerrilla warfare. If you have problems in Flankers and then at the same time in Cambridge also Maroon Town and need to hurry some reinforcements to Roehampton. Minister get the police some helicopters for rapid response no traffic jams, no potholes, no roadblocks and no narrow roads to stop them. Think about policing Wareika Hills to give the people living in the Kingston quasi colonial power an idea a similar method would be needed at times02/11/16

Michael Spence

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